Resolution 154-1978RESOLUTION N0.154-1978 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year.-1977-78 and to create new items under said Budget, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1977-78, in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #232000.1010, Salaries, the sum of $1,010.00 to Item #232000.1050, Matching Costs Transfer from Item #232000.1020, Salaries, the sum of $5,000.00 to Item #232000.2050, Office Supply Transfer from Item #232000.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $200.00 to Item #232000.3320, Sub- scriptions Transfer from Item #232000.3310, Rentals, the sum of $500.00 to Item #232000.3350, Communications Transfer from Item #232000.1020, Salaries the sum of $4,300.00 to Item #232100.1020, Salaries Transfer from Item #232000.3310, Rentals the sum of $3,500.00 to Item #231000.1020, Salaries Transfer from Item #232001.1020, Salaries, the sum of $6,900.00 to Item #232100.1020, Salaries Transfer from Item #232000.1060, Group Insurance, the sum of $950.00 to Item #232100.1050, Matching Costs Transfer from Item #232000.1010, Salaries the sum of $161.00 to Item #232100.1050, Matching Costs Transfer from Item #232000.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $200.00 to Item #232100.1060, Group Insurance Transfer from Item #232001.1020, Salaries, the sum of $1,270.00 to Item #232100.2050, Office Supply Transfer from Item #232001.1050, Matching Costs the sum.of $1,010.00 to Item #232100.3310, Rentals Transfer from Item #522300.4012, Capital Outlay Building, the sum of $1,920.00 to Item #522300.3260, Foot & Dietary Transfer from Item #534703.3260, Food & Dietary the sum of $460.07 to Item #534703.3282, Auto Allowance Transfer from Item #790000.3411, Contractual Services the sum of $250.00 to Item #790000.3410, Contractual Services AFFRfa/Ea O.N, to - 1 BOOK ). PAGE Transfer from Item #210200.2070, Tools & Small Implements the sum of $167.00 to Item #210200.2010, Gasoline Transfer from Item #210200.2070, Tools & Small Imple- ments, the sum of $200.00 to Item #210200.3350, Communications Transfer from Item #210200.2070, Tools & Small Imple- ments, the sum of $500.00 to Item #210200.3380, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Item #210200.4020, Capital Outlay the sum of $89.86 to Item #210200.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100 Transfer from Item #210300.1050, Matching Costs the sum of $117.90 to Item #210300.3330, Advertising Transfer from Item #210300.2050, Office Suplies the sum of $400.00 to Item #210300.3350, Communication Transfer from Item #210400.1020, Salaries the sum of $345.28 to Item #210400.3330, Advertising Transfer from Item #210400.1020, Salaries, the sum of $15.96 to Item #210400.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Item #221200.3300, Insurance Bonds the sum of $1,763.00 to Itme #221200.3340 Commissions & Fees Transfer from Item #232100.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $200.00 to Item #232100.3350, Communications Transfer from Item #233200.3310, Rentals the sum of $380.00 to Item #233200.3400 Utilities Transfer from Item #233200.4020, Capital Outaly Equipment the sum of $70.00 to Item #233200.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100 Transfer from Item #255200.2050 Office Supply the sum of $594.50 to Item #255200.1010, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #278000.1060, Group Insurance the sum of $295.00 to Item #278000.1080, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #344000.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel the sum of $2,000.00 to Item #344000.1030, Salaries -Non Payroll Transfer from Item #344000.2070, Tools & Small Imple- ments, the sum of $25.00 to Item #344000.2090, Medical & Surgical Supplies Transfer from Item #399300.3320, Subscriptions the sum of $300.00 to Item #399300.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel Transfer from Item #510500.2120, Demonstration Ma- terials the sum of $200.00 to Item #510506.2090, Medical & Surgical Supplies Exp. Transfer from Item #534700.3281, Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $250.00 to Item #534700.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel Page 2 of 6 Pages Transfer from Item #534700.2050, Office Supply the sum of $200.00 to Item #534700.3350, Communication Transfer from Item #534800.1020, Salaries the sum of $1,200.00 to Item #534800.3350, Communications Transfer from Item #610200.1020, Salaries the sum of $9.92 to Item #610200.1080, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #610200.1020, Salaries the sum of $20.00 to Item #610200.3340, Commissions & Fees Transfer from Item #720200.2050, Office Supplies the sum of $25.00 to Item #720200.2090, Medical Supplies Transfer from Item #232100.1030 Salaries -Non Payroll the sum of $100.00 to Item #232100.3350, Communica- tions Transfer from Item #278000.2010 Gasoline the sum of $250.00 to Item #278000.1080, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #278000.2040, Misc. Supplies, the sum of $200.00 to Item #278000.1080, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #278000.3290, Dues & Membership the sum of $239.00 to Item #278000.1080, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #510500.2120, Demonstration Materials the sum of $700.00 to Item #510506.2010 Gasoline Transfer from Item #255200.1020, Salaries the sum of $2,700.00 to Item #256000.1020, Salaries Transfer from Item #256000.2010, Gasoline the sum of $50.00 to Item #256000.1050, Matching Costs Transfer from Item #256000.3300 Insurance Bonds the sum of $75.00 to Item #2560.1650 Matching Costs Transfer from Item #256000.3320, Subscriptions the sum of $165.00 to Item #256000.1650 Matching Costs Transfer from Item #256000.3280 Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $710.00 to Item #256000.2050 Office Supply. Transfer from Item #256000.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $270.00 to Item #256000.3310, Rentals Transfer from Item #256000.3320 Subscriptions the sum of $25.00 to Item #256000.3350, Communications Transfer from Item #255200.1020 Salaries the sum of $170.00 to Item #256000.3350, Communications Transfer from Item #256000.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $20.00 to Item #256000.3350, Com- munications Transfer from Item #210300.3310 Rentals the sum of $32.40 to Item #210300.3380, Maintenance of Equip. Page 3 of 6 Pages Transfer from Item #534800.1070, Workmans Comp. the sum of $100.00 to Item #534800.2090 Medical & Surgical Supplies Transfer from Item #534800.3370 Maintenance of Building the sum of $169.79 to Item #534800.3380, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Item #534802.1070 Workmens Comp. the sum of $260.00 to Item #534802.2090 Medical & Surg- ical Supplies Transfer from Item #534803.1070, Workmens Comp. the sum of $600.00 to Item #534803.2090, Medical & Surgical Supplies Transfer from Item #522100.3170, Co. Nursing Home FRS the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #522100.3095, Ambulance Transfer from Item #255200.1020, Salaries the sum of $125.00 to Item #256000.1050, Matching Costs Transfer from Item #534701.1020, Salaries the sum of $153.21 to Item #534701.0000, Homemaker Services Transfer from Item #534701.1050, Matching Costs the sum of $111.33 to Item #534701.0000, Homemaker Ser- vices Transfer from Item #534701.1060, Group Insurance the sum of $196.80 to Item #534701.0000, Homemaker Services Transfer from Item #534701.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $126.84 to Item #534701.0000, Home- maker Services Transfer from Item #534701.3410, Contractual Services the sum of $500.00 to Item #534701.0000, Homemaker Services Transfer from Item #534701.2050, Office Supplies the sum of $159.10 to Item #534701.0000 Homemaker Servcies Transfer from Item #534701.0000 Homemaker Services, the sum of $817.65 to Item #534701.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Item #232200.3310, Rental the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #232200.3320, Subscriptions Transfer from Item #299100.3300, Insurance & Bonds the sum of $513.00 to Item #299100.3280, Auto Allow- ance Transfer from Item #630200.2120, Demonstration Materials the sum of $8.45 to Item #630200.3240, Clothing Transfer from Item #534803.1020, Salaries the sum of $17,269.14 to Item #310106.1020, Salaries & Wages (other) Transfer from Item #534803.1050, Matching Costs the sum of $1,877.55 to Item #310106.1050, Matching Costs Transfer from Item #256000.3280, Auto Allowance the sum of $45.00 to Item #256000.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Item #256000.3280, Auto Allowance the sum of $45.00 to Item #256000.3320, Subscriptions Page 4 of 6 Pages Transfer from Item #256000.3300, Insurance & Bonds the sum of $50.00 to Item #256000.2050, Office Supplies SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #621200.3400, Utilities the sum of $371.00 to Item # 621200.1080, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #621200.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment the sum of $84.15 to Item #621200.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100 Transfer from Item #621200.3310, Rentals the sum of $350.00 to Item #621200.1080, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #621200.3400, Utilities the sum of $400.00 to Item #621200.2010, Gasoline Transfer from Item #621200.3400, Utilities the sum of $600.00 to Item #621200.3350, Communications Transfer from Item #621200.1020, Salaries the sum of $2,000.00 to Item #621200.1030, Salaries Non -Payroll Transfer from Item #621201.1020, Salaries the sum of $7,365.00 to Item #621201.1030, Salaries Non -Payroll Transfer from Item #621201.1050, Matching Costs the sum of $1,087.20 to Item #621201.3320, Subscriptions ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Item #321002.3380, Maintenance of Equip. the sum of $350.00 to Item #321002.3400, Utilities Transfer from Item #321004.2070, Tools & Small Imple- ments the sum of $25.00 to Item #321004.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel Transfer from Item #321009.3240, Clothing the sum of $250.00 to Item #321009.3380, Maintenance of Equip. Transfer from Item #410200.2080, Medicine & Drugs the sum of $30.00 to Item #410200.2090, Medical & Surgical Supplies Transfer from Item #410200.2030, Materials the sum of $4,529.50 to Item #321005.4010, Capital Outlay Bldg. AIRPORT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Transfer from Item #720100.2080, Medicine & Drugs the sum of $30.00 to Item #720100.2090, Medical & Surgical Supplies & Exp. MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAX DISTRICT Transfer from Item #799201.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel the sum of $1,003.00 to Item #799201.1080, Unemployment Comp. Transfer from Item #799202.2010, Gasoline the sum of $100.00 to Item #799202.3280, Auto Allowance & Travel Transfer from Item #799202.2010, Gasoline the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #799202.3310, Rentals Transfer from Item #799203.1020, Salaries the sum of $300.00 to Item #799203.3310, Rentals Page 5 of 6 Pages Transfer from Item #799204.1060, Group Insurance the sum of $241.50 to Item #799294.1080, Unemploy- ment Comp. Transfer from Item #799205.2030, Material the sum of $401.81 to Item #799206.2030, Materials Transfer from Item #799205.3300, Insurance & Bonds the sum of $370.00 to Item #799296.3300, Insurance and Bonds Transfer from Item #799205.2040, Misc. Suppies & Expenses to Item #799206.4010, Capital Outaly Bldg. Transfer from Item #799205.2010, Gasoline the sum of $395.87 to Item #799201.2030, Materials Transfer from Item #799205.1021, Salaries (Anti - recession) the sum of $468.46 to Item #799206.1021, Salaries (Anti -Recession) Transfer from Item #799205.2040, Misc. Supplies & Expenses the sum of $182.00 to Item #799206.3300, Insurance & Bonds Transfer from Item #799205.2070, Tools & Small Imple- ments the sum of $100.00 to Item #799206.2030, Materials Transfer from Item #799205.3240, Clothing the sum of $200.00 to Item #799206.4010, Capital Outlay Bldg. Transfer from Item #79905.3370, Maintenance of Bldg. the sum of $600.00 to Item #799206.4010, Capital Outlay Bldg. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. DATED June 13, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ayo - and Chairman Atte rk (Seal) Page 6 of 6 Pages