Resolution 132A-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 132A -1977 WHEREAS, Florida Statutes Chapter 705 provides for dis- position of seized, abandoned, wrecked, or derelict property, and WHEREAS, said law requires the appointment of an enforce- ment officer by resolution of the governing body of the local government to enforce the provisions of said law, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 705.16, the Director of the Building and Zoning Departmen4 or any of his duly designated representatives, is hereby designated as the enforcement officer to enforce the provisions of Florida Statutes Section 705.16. 2. That this designation shall be retroactive to July 8, 1977. DATED July 19, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA .%7 .~ ~ Bl' ' /, .,t~~ ,-~ ,,' ~~?'7tL.s;:!/ ../ .:: ayor'an Chairman (Seal) At;es;i;i{/d2f ---- / / lerk '-, APPROVED ON BOOK I J PAGE "/-:1 '; \, I HEREBY CERTIFY that thr's d h b' ocument as cen revIewed for legal suffi. clency and that the same meets with my approy.aj. / I:) ,/// ,,/<f/~, ~;//-, ~y ./ / /,'? /0/'"("t"r::.. .tt." County Attorney's Office )~~