Resolution 135-1977 -- RESOLUTION NO. 135 -1977 RESOLUTION REQUESTING HEALTH SYSTEMS AGENCY TO REVIEH HEALTH AND MEDICAL RELATED FUNCTIONS, ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES WITHIN MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has previously adopted the procedures for Health System Agency review of requests for assistance to personal service programs on June 22, 1976, Resolution 112-1976, and WHEREAS, the Board is desirous of having the Health Systems Agency review personal service projects requesting assis- tance from the Monroe County Commission and health and medical related activities, and WHEREAS, the Health Systems Agency has contracted with the Board of County Commissioners to render advisory services in matters of health planning, and the Agency has established guide- lines and review procedures that it will follow in rendering such services, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Health Systems Agency be and it is hereby requested to review requests to the Monroe County Commission for assistance to personal service programs, and to review any and all other health and medical related services or projects which will utilize local County tax revenues, services, equipment or facilities. 2. That the Health Systems Agency shall, upon completion of each request, present its recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, for appropriate review and action. DATED July 26, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMtUSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ./'. ... -;....~'_.._.- ,:." r<;/-/c<. '~."ffCc;;~.. Mayor and , " ""'- '''}~~-<!-(.--"" -t7("_~J..Z: ':,y'-- ,/,./ '7 Chairman / (Seal) AZ:~k6e~ ~