Resolution 146-1977RESOLUTION NO 146 _1977 RESOLUTION OPPOSING CLOSURE OF THE JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA have been advised that the Program Office of Youth Services of the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Services has requested that the Juvenile Detention Center, Stock Island, Key West, Mcnroe County, Florida be eliminated, and WHEREAS, said closure would be extremely devastating to the citizens of Monroe County in terms of elimination of vital services, and WHEREAS, without said facility juveniles detained in Monroe County would have to be transported 156 miles to facilities located in Dade County and court appearances would require transporting said juveniles back to Key West, Florida from Dade County all at the local taxpayers expense, and WHEREAS, the BOARD desires to go on record as firmly opposing such a closure, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the HONORABLE WILLIAM J. PAGE, Secretary of the Florida Department of Health and Rehabil:i.tation Services, be and he is hereby requested to oppose any effort to close the Monroe County Juvenile Detention Center and he is further urged to require the Program Office to explore means whereby better utilization of said facility could be realized. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that true copies of the foregoing Resolution be forwarded to the HONORABLE WILLIAM J. PAGE and to the HONORABLE RUEBEN O'D ASKEW, Governor of the State of Florida with request that they exert every effort to prevent closure of. said facility. n r, APPROVE-D. ONf.�n a °---'AG BOOK _ ro i r RESOLVED in Regular Meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 16th day of August A.D. 1977. Attest: R l h Wv White, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By:-r,�- P iegton Howanitz Mayor/Chairman of the Board 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that this dcumunt has been reviewed for loga4 scftazrlency old car -tent a"Id that tlas 3mve mc-c s wn my approval, �'t,,m,,,�c ,gj. RICHARD G. PA9,411 r_.. Asst. County Attorney