Resolution 147-1977 -:/ RESOLUTION NO. 147_1977 RESOLVING OPPOSING RECENT STATEWIDE RATE INCREASE GRANTED SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE. WHEREAS, the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION has recently granted Southern Bell Telephone a statewide rate increase which is unwarranted and not in the best interest of the citizens and taxpayers of the State of Florida, and WHEREAS, said rate increase is not justified in light of the present level of services provided telephone users of the State and particularly Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, said rate increase constitutes a windfall profit to Southern Bell, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the PUBLIC SER VICE COMMIS- SION of the STATE OF FLORIDA be and they are hereby requested to review the statewide rate increase granted to Southern Bell Telephone and eliminate or substantially reduce same. BE IT FUR THER RESOLVED that a true copy of said Resolution be forwarded to each member of the Public Service Commission. RESOLVED in Regular Meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 16th day of August A. D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~&~ By: . ~ " ./~~ . P "egton H{wanitz Mayor / Chairman Att2 G... /(//k~. Clerk I HEREBY C~;tTrf'l that i:h:s (~r.~r':;;:;~t ;,:,n been I'~ViI'HI?;{ '/"'1" !,.r;"t .~,,{'c'<"''''v '.""1. .., IE.. ....,1 V ...t",,",,_ ....-~.<l t. .,-..,.", 10,.;"-1 t.'~" content anu that tbe same m::~t:3 wit:1 my approva~ f1.-~ ~ r ~ '- RICHARD 6: PAYNE Asst. County Attorney (SEAL) <, /= . d ~((... \:.\ " APP-ROVED ON. C .U A I ~), "- .> ,. 'I ". ,-,. ,i) "PAGE_ <) C ) SOOK -' . -+ 1-/ '~- ~{7U~\~f\.~.l ~ _",.__""oc_,__c.