Resolution 149-1977 RESOLUTION NO~49 - 1977 RESOLUTION REQUESTING TEMPORARY JOINT USE OF BOCA CHICA NAVAL AIR STATION. WHEREAS, the runways of Key West International Airport re- quire resurfacing and are scheduled for repair and construction of additional runway footage, and WHEREAS, such construction, when commenced, will materially disrupt and make impossible commercial and private aviation general use of said airport for a period of time not to exceed thirty days, and WHEREAS, it is to the economic well being of the citizens and residents of Monroe County, Florida that said aviation activities not be discontinued for thirty days, and WHEREAS, through a cooperative joint use venture with the united States Navy, said disruption of aviation activities in the Key West area can be avoided by use of the aviation facilities at NAS - BOCA CHICA and the same would be beneficial to both the County and to the united States Navy due to working together on such a joint venture, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that Captain J. E. McCARDELL, captain, U. S. Navy, Commanding Officer of the United States Navy Air Station - Boca Chica, Monroe County, Florida, be and he is hereby requested to act favora- bly to the purposes and goals set forth in this Resolution and do all in his authority and his command toward the end that said Naval Air Station be used jointly by the Navy and County for general aviation activities for a period of thirty days, said period to commence at such time as may conveniently be provided for. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a true copy of said Resolution be forwarded to the Honorable Lawton M. Chiles, United States Senator, The Honorable Richard "Dick" Stone, united States Senator, and to the Honorable Dante B. Fascell, United States Representative, with request 1>, ~} . 'l ') APPROVG:O ON.- .-- BOOK . -- . ~._. pAGE -<ll I ~ -2- that each act favorably upon the Board's within request. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida this 23rd day of August, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY I FLORIDA B~//~ Mayor /Cha irman ---- Attest: ~~Q~ Cle to the Board (SEAL) ~ l.:t. .~ i V'';;-: ~ '> . - ~ .~; :_:' ,1"> ;;, ,~,,".., ~~:L;'_< -~~ ;t~,~,~":::~~l, '.}~ ;;');,';C . _.:,'u , J-~ :p~,- t'~';j';;~"~'1~',~;~. ,Q~~(,' .... T~~' ~ .,'1'" 'Ii -~ ~ . - ~ fr:(l;;AP) :;~~. ~.. .~-~,', ~'-"~ t...:' ",Y~ ':" .~,., "t'."';