Resolution 151-1977RESOLUTION NO. 151-1977 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE 14AYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BEWEEN FRANK KEEVAN & SON, INC., AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A BICYCLE PATH ON BIG PINE KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM.^'IISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman be authorized to execute a Contract by and between Frank Keevan & Son, Inc., and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for construction of approximately 8,200 linear feet of bicycle path on Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 23rd day of August, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ayor /and Chairman Attest: j -� C1er f (Seal) l l- r7NERY ('EPYIrY that cienry and tY)at t-;E r, my approval. � V v- ---- At"j vir Tie Y,� 11iJL +�'.RO1JEII ON..- A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT made this 23 day of August 1977, by and between FRANK KEEVAN & SON, INC., a Florida corpora- tion, of the County of Dade and State of Florida, hereinafter called the Contractor, and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, of the County of Monroe and State of Florida, hereinafter called the Owner, WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the con- sideration hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all the materials and perform all the work as required by the specifications for the con- struction of approximately 8,200 linear feet of Bicycle Path on Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The work to be performed under the contract shall be commenced within fifteen (15) days and be completed within 120 calendar days from date of commencement. 3. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the per- formance of the contract in current funds as follows: $2.19/linear foot upon completion of the work. 4. The attached specifications together with this agreement, form the contract and they are as fully a part of this contract as if herein repeated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first written above. Attest: Secr airy FRANK KEEV. Page 1 of 2 Pages Attest: Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ayor and Chairman I HEREBY CERTIFY that this dccunnont has been reviewed for legal su; `i- ciency and that the same meats with my approval. By_. Attorney's Office (Seal) Page 2 of 2 Pages . J. COUNTY OF MONROE KEY WEST, FLORIDA SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY 8200 LINEAR, FEET OF BICYCLE PATH ON BIG PINE KEY IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA I NOTICE OF CALLING FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on the 2nd day of August, '1977, at 1:00P:M.at the Monroe County Courthouse, Key West,:Florida, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida will open sealed bids for the following: Approximately 8200 Linear Feet of bicycle path on Big Pine Key in Monroe County, Florida Plans, specifications, and all.other bid information may be obtained from the Office of Edward L. Stickney, Acting Director, Public Works Department, Public Service Building, Stock Island, Key West, Florida. All bids must be in the hands of the County Clerk on or before the 2nd day of August, 1977,' and accompanied by a bond in the amount of twenty percent.(20o) of the bid price or a cashier's check or certified check for said amount. Any successful bidder awarded contract in accordance w0-h this notice shall be required to post a performance bond guaranteeing the completion of the work under the specifications. The. Commission reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids made pursuant to this advertisement. DATED at Key West, Florida, thisllth day of July, 1977. (SEAL) Publish: Wednesday, July 13, 1977 r Wednesday, July 20, 1977 RALPH W. WHITE Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida • II NOTICE...TO BIDDERS By submission of bid, the bidder will have acknowledged his physical inspection of the proposed construction site and noted the topographical charac- teristics of the proposed path location and shall have -included these parameters into the bid-, Should the .bidder require any clarifications as to the location of -the.proposed path or the specifications, the questions shall be submitted in writing to_the'Resident Engineer - of Monroe County and the clarifications returned, in writing, by the Resident Engineer shall become a part of the contract for that bidder should that bidder be. awarded the contract by the Board of County Commissioners. III • SCOPE OF WORK A. Clearing 1. All underbrush shall be cleared within 1.5' of paved surface. 2. Bikeway should be meandered as necessary to avoid clearing trees and hedges where possible. 3. Alignment -deviations subject to approval of the Director of Public Works. B. Soil'Sterilization Treatment 1. An 8' wide path shall be treated with herbicide with a treatment equivalent to Casoron G-4 (Granular) applied at a rate of 7 lbs/1000 sq. ft. 2. In,areas where adjacent trees or shrubs exist, a trench 6" in depth shall be constructed and all existing roots pruned in order to avoid any contact between adjacent vegetation and the herbicide. J Page 2 of 9 C. Base _1.- Install a 4" thick layer of crushed oolite limestone 7' wide sloping.transversely at a -rate of one-fourth inch per foot toward the --outside of the right-of-way, with the finish base surface at existing ground elevation. 2. Where the surface of the base must be raised above the existi-ng ground surface to match -existing paving areas or walkways, the base shall not impede drainage within the right-of- way. 3. The crushed limestone base shall not be installed where existing base or pavement is -in place and in good condition. 4. -The limestone shall be spread.by a mechanical rock spreader equipped with a device which strikes off the rock uniformly in laying thick- ness and capable of producing an even distribution of the rock. 5. After the spreading is completed the entire surface shall -be bladed and shaped to.produce a cross section which conforms to the above specifications. It shall be uniformly moistened by a truck mounted bar sprinkler and compacted. 6. When the limestone has received proper moisture content, it shall be compacted with a steel wheel roller of not less than 5 tons or more than 12 tons, until a density of not less than 98% as determined '.by AASHO-T-180 has been accomplished. / 7. At least three density determinations shall be made on each days final compaction operation. Page 3 of 9 D. Surface =1. Upon acceptance of the compacted base by the -.Director of Public Works, the surface shall be _swept clean and free of sand, dirt, dust or . other detritus material and a double bituminous surface treatment shall be applied. Each application shall consist of 0.30 gallons of RC 70 cutback asphalt per square yard with a cover of approximately 10 lbs. of sand or screenings per square yard. E. Location 1. The centerline location of the path shall be provided by the Director of Public Works or his designated representative at the.request of • the contractor allowing 48 hours notice. 2. Any deviation from the location established by the Director of Public Works shall be approved by the Director of Public Works prior to clearing. 3. All decisions made concerning alignment will be for the express purpose of complying with the. Department of -Transportation permit stipulations. F. General 1. All work must be completed in accordance with the - permit and general notes of the Department of Transportation as attached as Section VI.of these' specifications. 2. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right: 1 ' to accept or reject any or all bids. Page 4 of 9 IV PROPOSAL A. Big Pine Key Path Location 1. To construct a bicycle path, as'detailed in these specifications, approximately -_8,200 feet in length along the north.side of Avenue "A" from 3rd Street to Pine Drive thence along the north right-of-way of U.S.1 to Ships Way meandering northerly as the right- of-way width changes at SR 940. B. Items To Be Submitted 1. The submitted proposal shall be presented as a cost for installing one linear foot of a path 7' wide and constructed according to these specifications. The price per linear foot will be the value on which bids are compared. The cost per linear foot is the only pay item in the contract, therefore the bidder shall have included all.costs such as materials, fill, labor, etc., in the unit price per linear foot of con-. strutted walk. 2. Number of calendar days to complete construction commencing with the Notice to Proceed. Note: Contractor awarded contract must commence construction within 15 days of the Notice to Proceed. 3. Monroe County Engineering Contractors Class I License Number. 4. Bid bond in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the bid price or a cashier's check or certified check for said amount. Page 5 of 9 V PAYMENT A. Payment shall be made according to the length of -path completed in compliance with'these specifica- tions and approved by the Director of Public Works.. B. Payment shall be based on the bid price per linear foot for a path seven feet wide as detailed in these specifications and not on the estimated overall length of the path as approximated herein. C. Final payment length shall be determined by the Director of Public Works according to the length of path constructed and shall not include payment for pavement existing at the time of construction commencement. D. Payment shall be made by the owner (Monroe County) upon acceptance of the entire path at contract completion. E. Contractor is guaranteed a.minimum payment length of 6,000 linear feet. VI PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND Any successful bidder awarded contract -in accordance with this notice shall be required to.post a performance and payment bond guaranteeing the completion of the work under the specifications. This bond shall be furnished to the owners (Monroe County) within 10 days of notice of awarding of bid in writing. VII PERMITS A copy of the Department of Transportation Permit for this path is attached (3 pages) as a part of these speci- fications. Page 6 of 9 • _ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF'TRANSPORTATIO P E R M I T� DATE March 15, 1977 PERMIT NO.�,e- SUBJECT: Section 90010 State Road 5 County Monroe PERMITTEE Board of County County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida Requesting permission from the State of Florida Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the Department, to construct, -operate and maintain a Bicycle Path- 5' wide from MP Station 0.000 to MP Station 4.575 1. Proposed work is within the corporate limits of a municipality. Yes( ) No.(X ) Name of,Municipality 2. Applicant declares that prior to submitting this application he has ascertained the location of all existing utilities, both aerial and underground, A letter of notification and plan of improvement was mailed on -March 15, 1977 to the following utilities/municipalities. Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Florida Keys Cooperative Southern Be]] Telephone and Telegraph Company 3. Is Interstate or Toll Road right-of-way involved? Yes ( ) No. (X ) 4. It is.expressly stipulated that this permit is a license for permissive use only and that the placing of facilities upon public property pursuant to this permit shall not operate to create.or'vest any property right in said holder. . 5..Whenever necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintenance, safe.and efficient operation, alteration or relocation of all, or any portion of said highway as determined by the Director of the Division of Road Operations, any or all facilities and appurtenances authorized hereunder, shall be immediately removed from said highway, reset or relocated thereon as required by the Diriector of the Division of Road Operations and at the expense of the permittee. 6. The construction and maintenance of such facility shall not interfere with the property and rights of a prior permittee. 7. It is understood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein.set out are granted only to the extent of the State's right, title and interest in the land to be entered upon and used by the holder, and the holder will, at all times, assume all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the State of Florida and Department from and against any and all loss, damage, cost or expense arising in. any manner on account of the exercise or attempted exercises by said holder of the aforesaid rights and privileges. During construction, all safety regulations of the Department shall be observed and the holder must take measures, including placing and display of safety devices, and may be necessary in order to safely conduct the public through the project area in accordance with the Department's Manual on Traffic Controls and 'Safe Practices for street and highway construction,maintenance and utility operation. 8. In case of noncompliance with the Department's requirements this permit is void and, .the facility will have to be brought into compliance or removed from the R/W at no cosy; to the Department. 9. All work shall meet Department standards and be performed.under the supervision of J . W. Jeffries Maintenance XXXXXXXIXXX Engineer, located at South M i am i Florida. Tel. No. 665-6933 1.0. All materials and equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Maintenance or Resident Engineer. 11. The office of the Maintenance or Resident Engineer named in Paragraph Nine (9) shall be notified twenty-four (24) hours in advance before starting work and immediately upon completion. 12. All Department property shall be restored to its original condition as far as practical, in keeping with Department specifications, and in a manner satisfactory to the Department. 13. The attached sketch and special provision covering details of this installation shall be made a part of this permit. 14. The permittee shall commence actual construction in good faith within sixty (60) days from the date of said permit approval and shall be completed within days. 15. Special conditions: See General Notes 1-18. See also, Notes shown on drawing attached. 16. Special instructions: J Submitted by:Board f County Commissioners, MonroePlace / tee Corporate GG S al / Signa ure and Title Attested Roadway construction is pro �ed oru,.n���`rw y Yes( ) No�) Recommended for approval �s�i ,-✓it��' MAY J - P�ihi�V�SI3�H Date Approved by: V -MAY 5.- 1977. f1SS'T OISTRI MAT "AkNdl tMEER Date VA \/A tz 7-0 ................................................................................ r+ CU C+ r+ CA (D M CD UI -0 0 0 0 CD 0 W = B cD CA m— a- cr ju :E rt ID CD a) rt I Lo — rt r- CD c+ --h T. 0 rt =r - (D rnr rtCD 6- (A :E 0Ln 0 w r+ =1 rt 0 0 ai --h LA rt o 0 In 0 :E :3 -I rt cu 0 n i rt rt rt 0 D 0 _0 0 rt In CD rt 0 rt C: �� o r+ . ol-E rU6PEP 001, 1 T I L U. IV, A E5A6'L- 1�-rU f�7 AL- OFOb FAT �4 MUIIIKO%lt� Z-OUQTY I I E 'I GENOL - FOURTH DISOICT 1. +A11 areas within the Department's Rights of Way will be restored to a condition equal to or better than that now existing. 2. All construction will be in accord with the Department's Standard Specifications (Date 1973). The index sheets, radii and dimensions as shown on the plan and the notes attached. 3. All' safety precautions will be exercised throughout construction and in accord with the Department's Manual on Traffic Controls and Safe Practices (Dated 1972), and in accord with all State Laws, Rules and Regulations applicable to this type of construction. 4. All grassed areas that are disturbed by thisconstruction, will be graded and re -seeded or sodded as per Department of Transportation Specifications. The material used will be a natural topsoil reasonably free of subsoil, roots, rocks, stones, weeds and from any other material not suitable for planting. 5. Before starting construction, the contractor is to notify the Department so that a Pre -Construction Meeting may be arranged on the Job Site. (See Note Below) 6. Should this work fail- to meet the Department's Standards, it will be removed and/or restored to its original condition by the Permittee. I 7. This.work will be subject to the final approval of, the Department. ! 8. The applicant will save and keep the State of Florida harmless from any and all i damages, claims or injuries that may occur by reason of this construction of said fac.i l,i ty. 9. Existing swales between the edge of pavement and the Rights of Way lines will bel maintained and pipe culverts will be constructed by the Permittee if deemed necessary by the Department, ! 10. Swales are to be constructed a minimum of 8 feet from the edges of the pavement and"at least 6" below the edges of pavement. The driveways are to be constructed in such a manner that it will not block water in the Swale. 11. A copy of this permit, plans and notes will be on the Job Site at all times during construction. 12. Class I Concrete will be used in all concrete work unless otherwise specified. Class I Concrete will have the required strength of 2500 PSI in 28-days. See Section 345 of the Standard Specifications. 13. All radial connections to State Roads will be not less than 15' minimum for all Asphalt Driveways. 14. Asphalt Driveways will be constructed with minimum 6" limerock base, or 6" sand asphalt base or 8" shell base., primed; with minimum 1-1/2".asphalt Type S-1 or. _ Type I. 15. Prior to starting construction, 'the contractor is to notify all utility Companies that have service in the area of construction. This extends to landscaping and. sprinkler systems that exist whether public or private. 16. Existing 'Ratio- of Pavement Slope is to be extended across the proposed pavement ! for deceleration lane and left turn storage lane, including tapers. ' 17. Construct shoulders in areas of driveways and turnouts as deemed. necessary by the Department. 18. All construction on driveways, where possible, will be started so that constructjon % will be completed before the weekend or any holiday, Note: Mr. J. W. Jeffries, Maintenance Engineer - South Miami - Telephone 665-6933