Resolution 165-1977 RESOLUTION NO.165 - 1977 RESOLUTION DENYING ZONING APPEAL OF CHARLES W. STOVER. WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Monroe County, Florida, at public hearing held on April 22, 1977 duly called and held in accordance with the zoning regulations of Monroe County, Florida, and the laws of the State of Florida, considered the request of MATTHEW W. SPATES for a change of zoning on property described as: On a Part of Government Lots 6 and 11, all in Section 28, Township 66 South, Range 29 East, Little Torch Key and WHEREAS, after hearing all persons to be heard, said Board granted the request for a change of zoning, and WHEREAS, CHARLES W. STOVER filed an appeal with the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, acting as the Board of Appeals, asking the Commission to reverse the decision of the Zoning Board, and WHEREAS, the Commission has duly heard said appeal on September 6, 1977 and finding that the decision of the Z,oning Board should be upheld, denies said appeal, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the appeal of CHARLES W. STOVER be and the same is hereby denied. RESOLVED in regular session this 20th day of September, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY'~~~~' May ;Chairman in behalf of said Board ( \. JS --' "," /' /' , \ ' / -19-/ ",',//'0. , Clerk 'APPROVE\) ON ", = .. \ ___ n-,'.;JL~- 13001'- ~---- I HElE3Y CERm that this docum99t has be.. rtviewed tor 1~~~Zll !::rff1d.~t\ey and conteat and that tha saint m~ wm: my approvaL ~ J-r , RICHARD G. PA It! Ass l} AU;;IG~'li. Attest: