Resolution 166-1977 RESOLUTION NO.166 -1977 RESOLUTION DENYING ZONING APPEAL OF ADVENTURES, INC. WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Monroe County, Florida, at public hearing held on February 14, 1977, duly called and held in accordance with the zoning regulations of Monroe County, Florida, and the laws of the State of Florida, considered the request of ADVENTURES, INC. for a change in zoning on property described as: Lots 1-8, Block 4; Lots 8-10, Block 6 of Angler's Park Shores as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 148, and located in Section 14, Township 61 South, Range 39 East (Key Largo). and, WHEREAS, after hearing all persons desiring to be heard said Board denied the request for a change of zoning, and WHEREAS, thereafter ADVENTURES, INC" filed an appeal with the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, acting as the Board of Appeals, requesting the Board to reverse the decision of the Zoning Board, and WHEREAS, the Board has duly heard said appeal and denied same, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the appeal of ADVENTURES, INC., be and the same is hereby denied. RESOLVED in regular session at Marathon, Florida, this 20th day of September, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Attes~ 1.2 ~ ,/ . ~~/'~/'2f-" C erk -... y: y th t tbis dOt:.lmeat bas "1 ~U--- , RERElll .C.:.RTdW f ~Cg~\ sllHiciency and APPROVED 0, ',,- , 1 , --= ,.", been rCYlewC t ~ same meets with mt G> _ Pf\GE~- -. J.. content and t~a e h f'~ BOO\<- approval. ~'CHARO G.PAfuf. f! 6. Asst. Co~mty Attornef