Resolution 168-1977 ;,' RESOLUTION NO.168 - 1977 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GRANT OF TEMPORARY EA SEMENT . WHEREAS, Mr. John Lawrence Filer is in need of a temporary one-(l)-year easement while construction is undertaken so that vandalism may be prevented by erection of a chain-link fence, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Chairman of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute said temporary easement attached hereto in behalf of the Board and the Clerk is authorized to attest to same. RESOLVED in regular session at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 20th day of September, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Byd?--:t ~/..-..~ e; ayor/Chairman Attest: . "'-;' (_;;;;;M/:L/5 , Clerk " I 11r.n""y ~i':I"'l ;';~. t"'at t!ii5 dotC,rn,\~n~ bs nt:.f(t.UJ:..,~. . i _'1...1 ,r f,q .~.. ,.~.p. h<),'n revic'wi.':d I~H !~71t\1 SUd.l;";...,..:,.,,, 'l\.. "... '" ~, . , ,.,.. '" f.o.. ,\ -< " ; \ j.':J: I J-. -,. -t "'I"t ~I";\ ':;:.....~e m ~'"\:.,, .,...... w, r. '}It ~ei'l ~ a.,.". Ll,. - 1- - ." --fl....J.... ap~njlJ'.L ~\'\<~ ",}? n' ~~, " r'-'l. mn!:\\",,,; ,~..',Iq ":.... . ...., .'~~ ~~..1. ",\'\'''~''~'~'j 1',\:.r.'~ ~'~_"...t~,... h'L\o',.l '.-:,- ,..i.':..;'...u.... ,k -J 'APPROVED on (J BOOK q I.y() /'7 7 .f , /7 /) EAGE JL7Y .~~__---"lI ---.~...:""~ 1/