Resolution 172-1977 RESOLUTION NOJ.72-1977 RESOLUTION REQUESTING SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS TO CONDUCT A SPECIAL REFER- ENDUM ELECTION ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1977 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA are desirous of holding two special referendum elections on Tuesday, November 8, 1977, in a portion of Monroe County, pursuant to the provision of Monroe County Ordinance No. 5-1977, as amended, for elector approval within Districts 5 and 6 for the imposition of taxes for the purchase of fire fighting and ambulance equipment for use within each of said Districts, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS10NERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Honorable William Freeman, Supervisor ~f Elections be and he is hereby requested to conduct a special refer- endum election on Tuesday, November 8, 1977 in the following un+ ) !, C, ) incorporated areas of Monroe County, Florida, to-wit: DISTRICT 5 (Election Precinct 22) That the qualified electors of said Precinct 22 vote on the following proposal: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONRRS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHOULD LEVY AD VALOREM TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1~V8-1979 IN DISTRICT 5 NOT TO EXCEED $77,000. (OR APPROXIMATELY 77 9 per EACH $1,000. OF ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY) TO PURCHASE ONE FIRE TRUCK AND ONE AMBULANCE TO BE USED IN DISTRICT 5. FOR AGAINST DISTRICT 6 (Precinct 23 and a portion of 24) From South Bay Harbor Drive and Lobster Lane north to the southern boundary of the City of North Key Largo Beach and north to the Dade County Line. That the qualified electors of said District 6 vote on the following proposal: __ __ ,_ _ !l/~~ Q I:Z-1", -;_.. .. /' "7 ';.;. r' ~^~~ ) ,. ;L' '..\I ".,~..." (-'" '" .-..-- ,,' .l,.-" BQ;Jn ___-------. :!f')" r -2- THE BOARD OF COUNTY C0MMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHOULD LEVY AD VALOREM TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979 IN DISTRICT 6 NOT TO EXCEED $133,372 (OR APPROXIMATELY $1.12 FOR EACH $1,000 of ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY) TO PURCHASE TWO FIRE TRUCKS AND ONE AMBULANCE TO BE USED WITHIN DISTRICT 6. FOR AGA:nNST BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of said Resolution to the Supervisor of ElectiQns. RESOLVED in regular meeting held this 20th day of September, A.D. 1977 at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~.~"~ ayor airman