Resolution 177-1977RESOLUTION NO.177 - 1977 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE RELEASE AND SATISFACTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY AND CROSS KEY WATERWAYS, INC., ETC. WHEREAS, the legal staff has recommended to the Board that the County enter into a Release and Satisfaction Agreement with Cross Key Waterways, Inc., and said agreement being represented as being fair and equitable to all parties concerned, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute in behalf of the Board the attached Release and Satisfaction Agreement and also he is authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed to Cross Key Waterways, Inc. for Lots 23, 24 and 25 in Block 8 of Proposed Plat of Cross Key Waterways Estates, Section 3. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the County's legal staff be and they are hereby authorized to settle that certain litigation now pending in the Circuit Court (to -wit: Case No. 77-367-CA-03) in accordance with the premises contained in the attached Release and Satisfaction Agreement. RESOLVED in regular session at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 20th day of September A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ! ��Chai�rman��� Attest: RALPH tiddUR 1 er k 0 HEREBY CERTIFY that the document has been revievied for kiyvi Miff itir-e-v content ant that th a sale Seiai' s vvi,al my approval. RICHA-7W `. iAYME Rsst CoWlig MW009 .0MVEL