Resolution 185-1977 ...... RESOLUTION NO.185'- -1977 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has recognized a need to provide for orderly growth and management as contemplated by the passage of the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act, and WHEREAS, the State of Florida has recognized a need to assist local governments in availing themselves to the benefit of the Act, and \~EREAS, the Florida Legislature has charged the Depart~ ment of Community Affairs with administering the Local Governm$nt Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Fund Program, now, there~ fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COm~TY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby requests the Department of Community Affairs to include Monroe County's appli- cation among those requesting financial assistance from the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Fund Prb- gram for 1977-78. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, indicates its commitment to comply with the appropriate and applicable state and local laws, rules, and regulations for the administration pf this program, including but not limited to, necessary matching funds, funding only eligible planning activities, etc., which are more fully described in Chapter 9B-5, F.A.C. DATED October 4, 1977. APPROVED ON I / J -' ,/ 7 17 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA eOOK "\ _('1 __ I.. '1 PA\i~ ! ~ . ~ ~.~1ft; ~ By , ';trayor'an ~ i (Slea1) Att I HEREBY CERTIFY that this docwment has been reviewed for legal suffi- c;ency and that the same meets !with my appr~ ,,/' /' ./,/ /. :.;.,1 '",1/' ,/ (' r;y _ /' /~,d//:~'i- .) _ Attorney's Office I' I ~\.I