Resolution 186-1977RESOLUTION .NO. 186-1977 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ,COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE !,a. YOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, PURIEGTON HOWANITZ, TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF C01,1MUNITY AFFAIRS UNDER THE FLORIDA FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR COM- MUNITY SERVICES ACT. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE'COUNTY,'FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section I. That the Mavor/,Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to sign in the name and on behalf -of the Board of County Commissioners an Agreement between the Florida Department . .of Community Affairs and Monroe County under the Florida Financial Assistance for Community Services Act, as 'per copy attached hereto. and made part hereof. Section II. That all funds necessary to meet the contract obligations of the city, or county and its delegate agencies (if applicable) with the Department or provided by fees realized by Ordinance No. 22-1976, and said funds as collected shall be -ex- pended only for the purpose of equipping, furnishing and maintain- ing; a legal aid society as prescribed .in the contract. The county. shall be responsible for the funds for -the local share in accordance with said ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 4th day of.October, 1977. APPROVED: '-Mayor o�,Chairmarr of County Commis -,ohs ions` = w L