Resolution 198-1977 RESOLUTION NO.198 -1977 RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION TO SUPPORT HOUSE RESOLUTION 9181 WHEREAS, under Pulbic Law 94-565, Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act was amended to exclude certain lands from being counted for purposes of computing the long overdue Federal payments, and WHEREAS, the effect of the provisions of such act is that many areas will not be compensated accurately for the services that local governments must provide to maintain and protect th$se Federal lands and the public who use them, and WHEREAS, HR 9181 has been introduced to correct the seri- ous inadequacy in the aforesaid Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby wholeheartedly endorses HR 9181 and re- quests that its Congressional delegation wholeheartedly support the passing and adopting of HR 9181 at the earliest possible date. 2. That the Board of County Commissioners hereby re- quests its Senatorial delegation to support HR 9181 and further to introduce such legislation as is necessary to assure an early passage of said act in the U. S. Senate. 3. That copies of this resolution be fOPNarded to the appropriate Congressional delegates for appropriate action. DATED October 18, 1977. BOARD Of COUNTY CO~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Attest~ ,'.C' C -r~~~ I / ./')---___--7 . ~'? ~ /" /..- ,-' \, '. By> ~-e:-"'-<-<:7'iC--, ,'7 r.:Z~~-T.e'."~ ,0-> ...... ~..-"f1ayor an Chairman (Seal) I~' I j - Ii /\PPROVED ON, (j ::~....:. :~..LJ.-:"-:;i-"-- / 1 ~,f. ., l " (,.....--\i '....... PA,(;)~" ~__~i! .ur .& LL __j>'".~;"l'",.~..K9C.=--" 'c.,.,) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffI- ciency and that the same meets with my approval. ~ By 2z4~ ,~ /' ( Attorney's Office 11""" aOOK