Resolution 203-1977RESOLUTION NO. 20-1 -1977 RESOLUTION APPROVING- PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, . OCEAN REEF CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, . has requested that the.Board:of County Commissioners of Monroe. County; Florida, approve for ,record a plat known as "AM -ENDED PLAT OF BARRACUDA CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT N0: 11, a Replat of Por- tions of 'Barracuda Cay, ; Ocean Reef Plat No. IV,' (P . B . 6, P. 120) and Portions of ,Government .Lot 9, Section 6, Township 59 South, Range 41 East; and Portions of Government Lot 2-and the N.W. 1/4 of..the N.E. 1/4 of Section 7, Township 59 South, Range 41 East, 'Plat of Lands of Seaboard Properties, Inc.', (P.B.. 4, P'. 83), Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida", and . WHEREAS, said plat conforms with all of .the plat filing rules and regulations of Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that.the plat known as "AMENDED PLAT OF BARRACUDA CAY OCEAN.REEF PLAT N0. 11; a Replat of Portions -of " 'Barracuda Cay, , Ocean Reef Plat No. 11' , (P . B . 6, P . 120) and Portions of -Government Lot 9, Section 6, Township 59 South, Range 41 East; and Portions of Government Lot 9, Section 6, Township 59 South, Range 41 East-, and Portions of Government Lot 2 and the.N.W. 1/4 of the N.E..1/4 of.Section 71 Township 59" South; Range 41 East, 'Plat of. Lands of . Seaboard Pro-oerties , Inc.' (P . B . 4, P . 83) , Key Largo , Monroe County Florida", :be and the same -is hereby approved for record,.and the Chairman and Clerk of'said.Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate' of approval of said plat. DATED October 25, 19.77. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE.COUNTY, FLORIDA *--Mayor and Chairman .(Seal). A test .1 HEREBY.CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed forIegal suffi . C erk ciency and that the same .meets with my approval. rf� - By' Z. Attorney's Office �,v1z - - _