Resolution 205A-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 205A-1977 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THAT THE PROPERTY APprAISER'S BUDGET BE IN- CREASED TO ALLO'! FOR IMPLEl'1ENTATION OF FAST PROGRAH, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has previously adopted its overall budget for the fiscal year 1977-1978, and WHEREAS, part of said overall budget included the Monroe County Property Appraiser's budgetary requirements, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Administrative Rules 12 D-8 it is necessary that the County institute certain programs for property appraisal, and WHEREAS, the Property Appraiser has advised that the computer system known as Florida Appraiser System (FAST) can accomplish the requirements imposed on Honroe County, and WHEREAS, additional budgetary requirements in the amount of $30,233.00 is required to accomplish the FAST Program, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: I, That the budgetary requirements of the Monroe County Property Appraiser is hereby increased in the amount of $30.233.00 and the attached amended budget is hereby approved, 2, That a certified copy of this resolution be for- warded to the Honroe County Property Appraiser, DATED November I, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF I,IONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 7 By ?,?:-rMi:i:n1~t::-;;;< (Seal) Attest: BOOK ;/-(- 7 7 &- PAGE I G 5 I HEREBY C~RTIFY that th~s document h,as been r€v;evv~;d fur :2fZf: suffi- ciency and th2t t:,,, ~;:'Yla r'r"" "'S "h .., --.'-1" I \;;; ICC'l wr'~ my approval. l ,--/,~":1/~'/ ,.<7 By / ,// ;;..., L:-://'., '? p'/ " ~.P~~' ,. ~ Attorney's Office A.. APPROVED ON