Resolution 207-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 207_ 1977 RESOLUTION AMENDING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY II, 1975 MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS due to loss of funding for the County transportation department the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida noted on February II, 1975 to abolish said department and to terminate the Director, 3:coordinators and 2 secretaries, and WHEREAS, there is need to clarify the official minutes of said meeting of February 11, 1975 to clarify the Board's action and intent, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the official minutes of the February II, 1975 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners be and the some is hereby amended to read as follows: "Motion was made by Commissioner Howanitz and seconded by Commissioner Pritchard to direct the attorney to notify by certified mail the, director, 3 coordinators, and 2 secretaries of the Transportation and Guidence Program that their Positions would be abolished effective February 28 (2 weeks notice) and that the 5 drivers be transferred to the Social Services Department which shall be reponsible for the operation and administration of the transportation program after February 28, 1975. Motion carried unanimously." f}OQK )/-1-7 7 . (j . PAG~ /4J6-' , . , ~~... - APPROVED ON H3 -2- RESOLVED in regular meeting at Key West, Florida this 1st day of November A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BYI~~~~<- ~""'.............._____.. Ma y.o.x:.[C1l9U1].9_n '.'_..--"",..<~ attest: , HE'P.EDy ~'7ffFPY that this document haa bean reviewed ffr legtl! sutf!cien~, and content and that MJ@ .-.me Ileets with I1IY QProvaL ~. 7;). ,.,~ JtOlARt G. PA Y~E Asst County AUorner .. ~. I r e:o I 9c,-, I 9~5 {\\ 76 ~ --~~~- ~ ---_.=.::.;.;-~- -~-_:..-"--~---...:~,-~--~......:--..:- ~,-,---:....~_~~__~~.;.~~___:-:;;"__""':~_-2_ ~_ THEREFORE ,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe county, Florida recognizes the importance of the Coastal Zone, Management Act and the need for an effective mechanism for continuing consultation and coordination among governmental bodies involved in coastal planning and management, and That in order to insure the opportunity for this full parti- cipation in Region 10, -the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida urges the adoption of a process which will lead to the incorporation of the interests and concerns of all governmental agencies in the Region, and LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of county Commissioners of Monroe county, Florida protests, to the Governor and to the United States Secretary of Commerce, the actions of the Division of state Planning and the Coastal Coordinating Council, that exclude the South Florida Regional planning Council, the instrumentality of local governments in sub-state Region 10, from the development of the coastal plan and management process in Region 10, and ,..j The BOard of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, asks the Governor to direct the appropriate State agency to execute the negotiated coastal planning contract with the South Florida Regional Planning Council and to insure a continuing, effective role for the Council, as an instrumentality of the local governments in Region 10, in the development of a coastal zone plan and its implementation. DATED February 11, 1975. Motion was made by Commissioner Shipley and seconded by Commissioner Shipley and seconded by Commissioner pritchard to have the Attorney send a letter to the former state's Attorney, Mr. Manker, and inform him that by the terms of the lease we could not pay the utility bills as requested in his letter. Motion carried unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Worton, State's Attorney, to be present at the work- - shop Friday to discuss the terms of the new lease. Motion was made by Commissioner Pritchard and seconded by Commissioner Shipley to approve and execute the contract between the Waste Control Board and the County to provide the services of two (2) Waste Inspectors being employed by the County under the CETA VI Program. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Howanitz and seconded by Commissioner Shipley to approve the ammendments to the lease between the County and the State Insurance Commissioner's Office, increasing the office space provided in the public Service Building at no additional cost. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Shipley and seconded by Commissioner pritchard to approve and execute the contract between the County and the Tax Assessor, the Sheriff, and the Library to provide gasoline and other petroleum products. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Howani,tz and seconded by Commissioner Pritchard to direct the Attorney to notify by certified mail, the Director, 3 Coordinators, and 2 Secretaries of the Transportation and Guidance program that they would be terminated effective February 28 (2 weeks notice). Motion carrien nn~nimouslv. Motion was made by Commissioner Shipley and seconded by Commissioner Bowanitz authorizing the Clerk to assume the responsibilities for all of the financial processes regarding the CETA Programs and that. all of the reimbursement and reporting documents currently in the possession of the county Development Office be turned over to the Clerk to the Board and the Same retained by him. The Clerk will be responsible for the data flow between th~ county and the Dade county Manpower Offices. Motion carried unanimously.