Resolution 208-1977
RESOLUTION N0.208 -1977
TION CO~1ITTEE BE and the same is hereby established as follows:
The Committee shall consist of ten (10) members, each
member to receive an appointment by a County Commissioner of Monroe
County, Florida. Each member to serve until resignation, death or
termination of the committee by the Board of County Commissioners,
or until the Board of County Commissioners shall appoint a suc-
cessor. The County Extension Director or his representative shall
serve as an ex officio member.
The Committee shall hold an organization meeting and shall
elect among themselves a Chairperson and vice-chairperson and a
The meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's
Rules of Order.
The primary function of the Committee shall be to study,
develop and oversee plans for the beautification of U. S. Highway
No. 1 and toward this end from time-to-time submit its plans and
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for imp 1emen-
tation and approval. It is the Board's intent that the plans and
recommendations shall, when performed, become part of the County
Master Plan in the County transportation element.
The Committee shall be specifically charged with the
responsibility of developing beautification projects as follows:
1. Work in close conjunction with the State of Florida
Department of Transportation toward the end that the Department
adopt a firm plot plan for the U. S. Highway No.1 from Key Largo
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to Key West. Said plan should be basis enough for permanent
planning but flexible enough to be altered for zoning or traffic
needs. The plan when completed will be used to determine build-
ing patterns, landscaping, utility and public area use and shall
be used as a basis for the Committee's study for beautification
2. Bridge Approaches - This Committee should study the
safety and the landscaping of each approach. Where fishing is per-
mitted on bridges, off-highway parking lots should be included in
the basic plan. By some bridges, particularly the 7-Mi1e Bridge,
pull-off areas should be provided for sightseers and picture-takers..
3. Rest Areas/View Areas - Regular areas for driver resting
and viewing are important safety factors and this Committee should
select such sites that would permit ease and beauty of landscaping,
too. All such areas should have markers a mile or two in advance.
4. Litter Areas - An important concern of beautification
is reduction of litter and regularly placed - attractive litter
cans on road pu11-offs is vital. These should be posted a mile or
two in advance. Maintenance of the litter containers should be
clearly established.
5. Power Lines - With pre-planning of the Highway, the
Electric Co-op could be encouraged to bury its lines in areas
where they would not be endangered by future construction.
6. Road Access - In heavily developed areas, efforts should
be taken to limit the number of entrances and exits to the highway
within a stated area (i.e. - a block). This is particularly true
for shopping centers or malls where such control is more easily
7. Stop/Go Signs - Open areas on U. S. I should permit a
steady flow of traffic. But, in highly developed areas signs should
be placed at pertinent corners to permit cross traffic and to cut
down on dangerous races into fast traffic.
8. Landscaping of Developed Areas - Insofar as possible,
sections of green median strips and narrow ground for planting
between sidewalks and curbs should be provided to keep p1antings
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in the community centers. Bicycle paths, too, should be bordered
by green growth where possible. The committee shall be responsible
for monitoring all landscaping done along U. S. Highway #1 within
the Department of Transportation right-of-ways.
9. Median Strips - \~ether in the open areas or in the
developed areas of the Highway, all median strips should be green
and should contain some low-growing planting, whether it be native
plants or other plants of a hardy nature that will endure the lack
of care, the weather and the automobile exhaust. Where large
enough to prevent danger to traffic even flowering trees would be
10. Roadside Planting - Even if not a continuous planting
from the top to the tip of the Keys, a pattern of trees should be
planted where possible beside the highway to give the effect of
continuous beauty. In no way should this destroy the nature effect
of the Keys, but add to it by introducing color and shape where
otherwise it appears jungle-like. Some have suggested that
Jamaican ma1ayans be used for this trail, others flowering trees
for constant blooming year-round. Whichever - it should be con-
sidered in some areas where space permits or where land should be
gotten for this beautification purpose.
11. Bridge Approaches - Special groupings of low shrubs
should be arranged at the approaches to all bridges to help guide
the traveler and to enchance the beauty of the setting. Space
should be allowed on road planning for such p1antings to extend a
few feet to both sides as well as forward.
12. Bridge-side Parking - For safety purposes, as well as
beauty, some p1atnings should be used to guide traffic into parking
areas by the road and to separate that parking from the road so
as to prevent accidents and persons walking on the highway.
13. Rest Areas/View Areas - Simple, self-care p1antings
and equipment (table, benches for rest areas in some sections)
should be provided.
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14. Community Entrances/City Entrances - Chambers or
Civic Groups in Keys Communities and Cities should be encouraged
by the committee to establish a marker bearing the name of that
community/city with symbols of civic groups and their meetings -
all of which are placed in a landscaped area established by those
groups or their Garden Clubs.
15. Community/City Roadsides - Chambers or Civic Groups in
communities or cities should be encouraged by the Committee to
landscape around community/city buildings and to promote similar
beautification among the businesses and homes of that area. Com-
mittee can help organize clean-up/fix-up contests, etc.
16. Utility Facelifting - Committee should work with
utilities to improve methods of bringing power to the area. Go
underground where possible; plant around poles or pour concrete
around base of poles so as to help maintenance crews keep down
weeds in area; schedule pole-placement for beauty as well as needs.
17. Billboards - The Committee should diligently study the
restrictions of the County and the State Billboard laws and con-
sider the results if maintenance effective. If this still leaves
a highway cluttered with billboards, then the Committee should
cnsider alternative methods of restricting such signs within ~1on-
roe County. Some suggestions might be: Billboards only certain
distances (miles) apart, except in Cities; billboards grouped in
clusters in open area and then none until on the other side of a
developed area and then another cluster, which would prohibit the
chain of signs; and, of course, the ultimate, no signs at all
except on private property of business and then restricted, with
an attractive sign at the end of each street in business area to
show which businesses are down that street (but even that could
be eliminated). Important that old signs (after election, etc.)
be removed - or fined.
18. Land Clearance - County has a law on maintenance of
undeveloped land in subdivided and un-subdivided areas. It should
be enforced, possibly made stronger.
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19. Unused Buildings Along Highway - All empty buildings
should be subject to regular inspection and maintenance enforcement
by owner, unless they are in such poor condition that removal is
imperative, which would be enforced by County agency.
20. Building Facelifting - Committee should encourage
Chambers and Civic organizations to stimulate improvement of home
and business appearances by owners. \~ere such a building is an
historic structure the community should sponsor, if possible.
21. Mini-Parks - Businesses and Communities should be en-
couraged to set aside small patches of ground for landscaping -
just for beauty or for resting in peace and quiet.
The Director of the Public Works Department and the County
Director of Planning and Zoning shall act as liaison for and the
County Planning staff shall assist the Committee in performing its
RESOLVED in regular meeting this first day of November A.D.
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