Resolution 211-1977RESOLUTION'NO.?.11 -1977 RESOLUTION-AUTHORIZING.THE SHERIFF OF MONROE COUNTY TO ACCEPT GIFTS.IN:BEHALF OF THE.COUNTY AND TO IN- VENTORY SAPS . WHEREAS, from time to. time gifts are forwarded to the Sheriff of Monroe County for .the•-:.purpos.e of law enforcement and protection of the citizens and employees of Monroe County, and WHEREAS, it is in the.best interests of the citizens of Monroe County and. Monroe County itself to .accept public gifts for the benefit of the County and its citizens and employees,. and WHEREAS, an , adequate record and control of 'such _gifts are required to be kept,jnowf therefore, BE'IT-RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as.follow.s: 1. That the Sheriff of Monroe County is hereby authorized. to accept gifts. in.behalf .of the. County for purposes of law en- forcement and protection of his employees and citizens of Monroe County. 2.. That. the Sheriff :upon receipt ofany. gift shall imme- diately take all steps necessary and/bras required by-law to place same under proper Covinty,inventory control. DATED November .1 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA .. By Mayor -and Chairman (Seal) Attest :.::. i� Z `Cler I, HEREBY CERTIFY that this document PAGE has been reviewed for le a! sulfi- clency and that the same meetLh my approval,. By f<•-�c Attorney's Office