Resolution 216-1977 P~SOLUTION NO.216 -1977 RESOLUTION REQUESTING LEGISLATUP~ AND INSURPNCE COM- MISSIONER SUPPORT TO PROVIDE FOR ADEQUATE PROTECTION FOR CONSUMER INTERESTS IN FEGARDS TO RATES FOR WIND- STORM INSURANCE. WHEREAS, the State Legislature establishes the laws for con- tro1 of windstorm insurance, and ~1HEREAS, the Florida State Insurance Commissioner is charged with the responsibility of regulating and enforcing the insurance laws of Florida, and tnIEREAS, the Florida Windstorm Underwriters Association (~~A) has increased its rates and restricted the areas to partici- pate in the insurance pool which is not uniform throughout the State, and WHEREAS, greater Consumer protection is required to assure due process and reasonable rates, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners hereby requests its Legislative delegation and all Re~resentatives and Senators in Florida to: (a) take such action as is necessary to provide state- wide windstorm insurance participation in lieu of restrictive pool selection. (b) provide greater Consumer protection in regards to regulation of rates to assure that the public interests are reasonably protected by providing rate reviews similar to those performed by the Florida Public Service Commission with detailed investigation into rate change requests. 2. That certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to our Legislative delegation for appropriate action. DATED November 15, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Attest: B/}? - ~'4( ~9 r ./ ./,~-' .",? . /4'..?d --- '} ~/ ~or ana airmanj I HEREBY CERTIFY that this dccu:nsn{Sea1) ';/~/ /r f~-:/:.<: . / / j~._// Clerk has been r-2\/le',:ve:'j fer te.:Z31 (~,l_<~';~ ciency and t;-;~ri: the sarne rr;(<..t3 \/,' ;'~h my appro\!Ji. ROfl\( (j I / :E-~'~ 7.. X:. \ t~'\~. r ~ {.-- By APPROVED Ol'L. ..",..,.,,,. ,""~ Attorney's Ciile,:;