Resolution 240-1977• RESOLUTION No.240 71977 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING. FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary -for the -Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers previously setup in the Monroe County"Budget for the year 1977- 78, and to create new items.urider said Budget, now, therefore,: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the, -budgeted transfers. previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for"the year 1977-78, in the Am set forth be, transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #2670.01.401.0, Capital Outlay Buildings and Structures FRS, the sum of $8,950.00 to Newly Created Item #2670., Capital Outlay Buildings and Structures. Transfer from Item #2660.01.401.0,.-Capital Outlay 'Buildings and Structures FRS, the sum of .$8,470.00 to Newly Created Item #2670.03.401.0, Capital.Outlay Buildings and.S.tructures. Transfer from Item #267-0..01.401..0,.Capital Outlay Buildings and Structures -FRS, the sum of ,$-8,470.00 to.Newly Created Item #2-670.04.401.0, Capital Outlay.Buildings-and Structures. Transfer from -Item #7202.00.102.0, Salaries and Wages, the.sum of $7,483.51 to Item.#2991.00.102.0, .Salaries and'wages. Transfer from Item #7202.00.105.0, Matching Costs, the sum of $1,111.30 to Item.#2991.00.105.0, Matching Costs. -Transfer from Item #2670.00.201,.0, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $6,198.11 to Item #7202.00.102.0,. Salaries and Wages: Transfer from Item #2670.00.105.0, Matching Costs, the sum of $920..42 to Item #7202.00.105.03 'Matching Costs. .Transfer from Item #7202.00.106.0, Group Insurance, the sum of $273.42 to Item #2991.00.106.0, Group .Insurance. Transfer from Item #2670.00..106.0, Group Insurance, the sum of $273.90 to Item #7202.00,.206.0 Group Insurance. Page 1 of 3 Pages Transfer from Item #5221.00.317.0,-County Nursing Home FRS , the sum ,of .$2., 500..00 to Newly Created Item#5223.00.309`.4,'Outpatient,Services. Transfer from Item #522-1..00:317.0, County Nursing Home FRS, the sum of $2,500.00 to New Created Item #5223.00.309.7, Inpatient Hospital Service. Transfer from Item #, Contractual Services, the sum.of .$19-.'30 to Item #7201.01..401..1, Administration. Transfer from Item #7201'.00..341.0', Contractual :Services, the sum. of $550.00-to.Item #7201.01..401.25 Preliminary (Testing & Survey), Transfer.from Item #7201:00.341.0, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $1',246.60 to Item #7201.01.401.'3., Architectual Engineering -Basic: Transfer from Item-#7201.00.341.:0, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $500.00.to Item #7201.01.401.4, Architectual Engineering Other. Transfer from Item #7201.00.341.0, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $15',102.60 to'Item #7201.01.401.5, Construction. Transfer from Item #7201:00.341.0, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $.1,000.00 to Item #7201.01:401.6, Inspection. AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT'& -REPLACEMENT FUND Transfer from Item #7201.00.401.0,'.Capital Outlay. Buildings, the sum of $100.00 to Item #7201.01.401.1, Administration. Transfer from Item #7201.00.401.0, Capital Outlay Buildings, the -sum of.$1,600.00-.to Item #7201.01.401.2, Preliminary (Testing and Survey). Transfer from Item #7201..00.401.0, Capital. Outlay Buildings,. the sum-- of $3,963.0.0 to. Item #,.Architectua_l Engineering Basic. - Transfer from Item #7201,00.401.0, Capital Outlay Buildings, the sum of:$1,000.00 to Item #7201.01.401.4, Architectual.Engineering..Other. .Transfer from Item #7201.00.401.0,..Capital Outlay Buildings, the sum of.$67,973.50 to Item #7201.01.401.5, Construction. Transfer from Item #7201.00.401.O,.Capital Outlay Buildings, the sum of $1,250.00 to Item -#7201.01.401.6, Inspection. Transfer from Item #7201.00.401-.0,-Capital Outlay Buildings, the'sum of $737.50 to Item #7201.'01.401.7, Contingency.. Page 2 of.3 Pages