Resolution 242-19771� RESOLUTION NO. .242 -1977 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE EMPLOYMENT.P.OLICIES AND PROCEDURES OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, Monroe -County did by Resolution No. 109- 1974 adopt. Emp Policies and. Procedures, and WHEREAS, 1t is nova- neces:s'ary .to --amend said policies and.procedures to provide for promotional opportunities, now, there fore , BE IT RESOLVED,.`BY THE; :BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS.IONERS OF MONROE COUNTY; "FLORIDA, as follows 1.. That the Employment Policies and Procedures. adopted by Resolution No. 109-1974..are.hereby.amended by adding Section 2.13 to read as'follows: 2.13 PROMOTIONAL; .OPPORTUNITIES It. is. the policy of the -Board of ,County. Commissioners to consider County employees for promotional opportunities before applicants from the general public are considered.' Pro- motional opportunities'Vil-1 be posted for a minimum of three.days and. -County Commission employees will have the right to apply.for these -position's for three .additional days. be- fore -anyone outside the'County service. -can be considered. An employee wishing to apply -for a promotional position .will .complete. the PROMOTIONAL. OPPOR- TUNITY APPLICATION'FORM within the'six-day period and submit_ it to'.his supervisor who will insure its .immediate; referral- to the Personnel': Department. The Pers-onnel Department will re' view these completed forms and refer qualified applicants to .the department with the vacancy for consideration. When there are a,lar.ge number of applicants who -are qualified in terms of ..experience; acadenic background and work record-,i length. of County service may be used .to -establish a numer=ical ,1-imit -of applicants who will be referred. Page..1. of 12 Pages APPF OYM O 60%, Passed and adopted by the Board -of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of December, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COP,24ISSIONERS OF MONROE. COUNTY, FLORIDA By Y "ayor and Chairman (Seal) At te2'_'e / Clerk . HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets with my approval. BY Attorney's Office