Resolution 243-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 243 - 1977 REQUESTS D.E.R. ASSISTANCE IN PREPARATION OF MODERN NOISE ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA are in the process of preparing a modern noise ordinance which will prohibit excessive noise based upon decibel levels, and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA has in the past offered technical assistance to municipalities and counties by measuring noise levels found in each community and making recommendations as to acceptable decibel levels based on the various business and residential activities of that community, and WHEREAS, said assistance would be of great benefit to the County, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Department of Environmental Regu- lation be and it is hereby requested to offer technical assistance and advise to the County toward the end that a modern noise ordi- nance be adopted by Monroe County. RESOLVED in regular session at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 20th day of December, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY/Z:U~-?'~ Ac~~ '--"'" / Mayor/Chairman Attest: .,-- ------; /1ifu/~~- ---, rk to the Board I HEREBY CElTI' tttat tbis dO~l'ment hat been reviewed for legal sufficir.ncy .,d cootent and that tile same meets wit~ my approval ~ J, _." I h.,o~ l~otl.D '..l'ME ?z. ....,. ".<,C'- . Asst. County Attorney [)I.ltd'l l1A,rR04 .!1 i.,,;.! ~~ ,1/N.!1., UIL APl'ROvtO or( -" ,.' 1 tJ Q. p...'Oc:.. ,:~~,,;,';;"kP1iioC:~ . ..,......,.,.~~_...-.. ~flJl~-:>>l,$...< leeK -,p,-,c" - ;, { ....