Resolution 247-1977RESOLUTION NO. 2 4 7 -19 7 7 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TM EXECUTION OF THE TRAFFIC S I M S MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA EEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND On motion of Commissioner Shipley seconded by Commissioner Hernandez , the following resolution was adopted: Monroe County WHEREAS, Board of Commissioners deems it in the public interest (Milic to maintain and pay electrical costs for the operation of traffic signal or signals described in Exhibit "A" to said agreement and, accordingly, to enter into the attached agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation, NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED: 1. That Monroe 'County, Board of Commiss-ioners concurs in the 'Public provisions of that certain agreement attached hereto, pertaining to maintaining a traffic signal installation described in Exhibit "A" to that agreement. 2. That Monroe County, Board of Commissioners authorized the said P •tic BodyT- agreement to be executed by a legally designated officer of this Public :.. STATE OF FLORIDA CDU\TIY OF Monroe I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by Monroe County Bd . of Comm.- at a meeting held on the 20 ay o December 9 .-D. 19 77 and recorded in its mxn�utes.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal this 23rd day of December - -- , A.D_ 1977 -- - - -- _- — -- -(SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 247-1977 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 'ITT EMiCt7TION OF 1IJE- TRAF: T C SIGNALS MAIN'I'- MICE AC,I EMENT BEIRVEEN Tf 1E STATE OF FLORIDA EEPARTNENT OF TR NSPORTATION AND On ;notion of 'Commissioner Shipley , secm&-d by Commissioner Hernandez , the following resolution was adopted: Monroe County WHEREAS,Board of Commissioners deems it in the public interest CPublic to maintain and pay electrical costs for the operation of traffic signal or signals described in Exhibit "A" to said agreement and, accordingly, to enter into the attached agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation, NOW, U EREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED: 1. ZhatMonroe County, Board of Commissioners concurs Ln the (Public � provisions of that certain agreement attached hereto, pertaining to maintaining a traffic signal installation described in Exhibit "A" to that agreement. 2. That Monroe County, Board of Commissioners authorized the said licBo, agreement to be executed by a legally designated officer ofthisPublic :.. STATE OF FLORJDA 00LR'TY OF MONROE I !-EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted byMonroe County Bd. of Comm. at a meeting held can the of December ,A.D. 19 77 , and recorded in its riunutes. IN WITi�SS WHEREOF) I hereunto set my hand and official seal this 23rd day of December , A.D. 19 77 (SEAL) APPROVED 0ta a o / q 7 7 ��K EAG a <�