Resolution 250-19770 RESOLUTION NO. . 250 -1977 WHEREAS, it is ne'cessary,.to increase items under the Monroe County Transportation,Trust Fund of. the.MonroeCounty Budget for the year 1977-,78, to account for unanticipated.funds.received from.other 'governmental agencies and other funds, now;. therefore, BE IT-RESOLVED-BY'THE.BOARD OF -COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That.the .the Monroe t. -County Transportation Trust Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1937-78, be, and the.same is hereby increased by the sum .of .$16,912A5 as follows:. (1) There is hereby created under ".Revenue" in the Monroe County. Transportation Trust Fund of the ..Monroe .County Budget for the year 1977-78, items to be known as Item #1194 Anti -'Recession $11,'525_98 and Item #1980 Transfer from General ..Revenue Fund ­..,$'t.5,386'.-37, which said items shall contain the.,total.sum of $,16,912.35. (2) The following-* increase is hereby authorized under ".'Expenditures" 'in the -Monroe County Trans- portation Trust Fund, of the Mo*nr.oe: County Budget for the -year 197.7-78. Item #410,2:.' '102 Salaries and d Wages Other -3,174.02 Item #4102.01.1-02 Salaries and Wages (Anti -Recession) 11,525-.98 Item #4102.105 Matching Costs 2,212-35. ..BE IT FURTHER 2,ESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk: of said, Board be, and that upon receipt.o.f the above unanticipated funds, he is hereby -authorized and directed=.to place said funds -in said items' as set:forth -above. DATED December 2.7,, 1977.. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE.CQUNTY, FLORIDA V mayor and Chairman V Lq L '6A (Seal) Attest: I HEREBY CERTIFY that. this document has' been reviewed for' legal suffi-. ciency and that the same meets with Cl . erk my -approveAPPROV[D bN J:% Attorney's Office PAGE_—