Resolution 076-1976 RESOLUTION NO.76 -1976 WHEREAS, the Department of Revenue of the State of Florida has promulgated new rules (Chapter 120) that will be de- trimental to operations of county property appraisers and present a tremendous financial burden on local taxpayers; and WHEREAS, Monroe County's Property Appraiser has esti- mated that approximately one-and-a-half million dollars will be required to implement requirements of the proposed rules and con- vert the present system to a unified statewide system; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that adoption of the pro- posed rules will require excessive costs and personnel, with little or no benefit to local governments and their citizens, thereby exceeding the alleged benefits to the State of Florida and its counties; and WHEREAS, said rules appear to surpass the intent of the Administrative Procedures Act adopted by the State Legislature, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Cabinet of the State of Florida be respectfully requested to reject the proposed rules promulgated by the Depart- ment of Revenue as they pertain to the operations of County Property Appraisers. 2. The Property Appraisers be given the opportunity, in workshop session, to work closely with the Department of Revenue in preparation of any proposed rules and regulations affecting operations of county property appraisers. BE IT FURTHER RESOL\lliD BY SAID BOARD that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Monroe County legislative delegation requesting their support to oppose the proposed rules and regula- tions. DATED April 20, 1976. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE UNTY, FLO IDA (' irman '. By \~~cfel~~ (Seal) (V