Resolution 078-1976 RESOLUTION No. 78 ,,1'91-6 -~...... WHEREAS, The. SheJr1..6n 06 Mowwe. Cou.nty, Flotvi..da., ha.6 plLe.v"wu..6ly Ite.c..om- me.nde.d .that he. be. authotvi..ze.d .to a..U.ow nolt County Pwonvu" in a.d.cLU-<.on .to .tUne. c..ILe.ciU.6, e.x:t.ILa good .tUne. a..U.owa.nc..e. 601t meJU.totvi..ou..6 c..on.du.c..t 06 e.xc..e.p.uon.a1. -indu..6:tJr.y, -in ac..c..oltda.nc..e. wUh .the. pltov..U,-iOYL6 06 .6ub.6e.ction (3) 06 Se.c..t.ion 951.21, F lotUda S.tatutu, a..6 06 J a.n.UaJLY 1, 1967, and WHEREAS, U ..u, ne.c..u.6aJLY nolt .the. BOaJLd 0 n County ComrrU..6.6"w nvu, .to a.d.o p.t a Ruolu:Uon acahotvi..z,,[ng .6uc..h pIloc..e.dwr.e., now .thelLe.601te., BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE BOARV OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIVA, .that .the. SheJr1..66 06 MoY/./toe. County, FlotUda, be., and he. ..w helLe.by a.u.thotvi..ze.d .to a..U.ow 601t .the. 60Uowing c..ounty pwonelL: ORl'GI'NAi"-VA-rE .-. ..- NEW RELEAS~ 1)Aq:E ~ -" ROBERT WIGGINS June. 16, 1976 May 1 8, 1 976 In a.d.cLU-<.on .to .tUne. c..ILe.ciU.6, e.x.tJc.a. good .tUne. a..U.owa.nc..e. 601t meJU.totvi..ou..6 c..o nduc..t 0 n e.xc..e.p.uo n.a1. ,,[ndu..6:tJr.y, ,,[n ac..c..oltdanc..e. wUh .the. plLov..w,,[o YL6 0 n .6ub- .6e.ction (3) 06 Se.ction 951.21, made. by.6a.id SheJr1..6n 6Itom.th-<-.6 da..te. be., and .the. .6ame. aJLe. helLe.by appltove.d. Vate. : MoY/./toe. County BOaJLd 06 County ComrrU..6.6-ion ArrEST By /4~~~./ f/{