Resolution 079-1976 P.ESOLUTIO:~ ~JO. 7q - 1976 l'JIlEPJ~AS, Connell/~'etcalf P: Eddy Associates, have prepared for the Board of County Commissioners of ~!onroe County, Florida, the ;'taster Plan Study for the 'Iarathon Airport, all<1 1'!lTEREAS, sain Boarrl <lesires to adopt said :laster Plan, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlT: ROARD Or, CmrJTY CO;~~ISSIO?~ERS or ~!ONROE COU:JTY, fLORIDA, that the 'Tarat11On Ai rport ~raster Plan Study prepared for srlid BOrlrd bv Connellj"etcrllf (j Eddy Associates, he and the SrlJ'1e is hereby adopted rlS the 'Taster Plan for srlid rlirport. DATED April 27, 1976. 110A1U1 OF C01YJTY COH~q SSIO?,rEnS or '!ONIWE COU'rTY, FLORIDA By ~ Chair!11an (Seal) Attest: ,.<'V / \ '. \ \