Resolution 144-1976 RESOLUTION NO'1 44 -1976 RESOLUTION REQUESTING HEALTH SYSTEMS AGENCY TO REVIEW APPLICATIONS AND/OR APPLICANTS FOR POSITION OF MONROE COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN SUPERVISOR. ~mEREAS, the Board of County Connnissioners of Honroe County, Florida, intends to employ an Emergeney Medical Teehnician Supervisor and presently has on file several applieations for the position, and WHEREAS, the nature of the position is sueh that the person most suited must meet certain educational, training and experience standards of a very teehnical nature, and WHEREAS, the Board is desirous of employing the individual most qualified to fill the position, and WHEREAS, the HEALTH SYSTEHS AGENCY has contracted with the Board to render advisory service in matters of health planning and the Agency has established guidelines and review procedures that it will follow when rendering such service, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS OF NONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Health Systems Ageney be and it is hereby requested to review the applications of record with the Board and/ or the applieants submitting same toward the end that the Agency rate in order of education, training and experience those individ- uals who have filed applications for the position of Emergency Medical Technieian Supervisor. 2. That, in the eonduet of said review, the Ageney, if it deems necessary and proper, may interview personally each appli- cant. 3. That the Agency is authorized to eonduct said review by task force connnittee or by Ageney staff alone, whiehever method the Ageney shall deem appropriate. 4. That it is understood that said ratings will not be binding on the Board but will be used as an aid in the final deter- mination to be made by the Board. -2- 5. That in the conduct of the review, the Agency is requested to eonsult with the respeetive Fire Chief's of t1onroe County, Florida. DATED August 24, 1976. .t.~, At t eS"t::