Resolution 188-1976RESOLUTION #188 , 1976 WHEREAS, the. State of Florida Department of Transportation proposes to construct a bridge and approaches at Lower Sugarloaf Channel (S.R. 5) Monroe County, Florida, De- partment of Transportation Project No. 90020-3523 . and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to approve said project, and WHEREAS, the. Department of Transportation has provided the Board with sketches describing the proposed construction, and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has filed an application for a dredge -fill permit from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, and WHEREAS, a biological survey study has been made by the Department of Environmental Regulation, and a copy of said report has been read into the records and duly considered at a public meeting of the Board, and WHEREAS, the Board of County. Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida, has determined that the issuance of a dredge -fill permit will not be contrary to the public interest, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County. Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida, that the Board endorses the State of Florida Department of Transportation proposal to construct a bridge and approaches at Lower Sugarloaf Channel (S.R. 5), Department of Transportation Project No. 90020-3523 -2- as shown in the attached sketches, and has entered the biological survey as shown in the attached report into the records of a public meeting, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that certified copies of this Re- solution be forwarded to the State of Florida Department of Transportation and State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissions of Monroe County, Florida, this 26 day of October 1976 or.T 1 a i ti September 29, 1976 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County flonroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Gentlemen: File tio. 44-37-3777, Monroe County Ceparti.ient of Transportation, (Lower Sugarloaf) Our staff has performed a biological survey for this project and offers the following corr:ients : The applicant proposes to construct a 1,21C3-ft. long by 47-ft. hide bridge over Lower Sugarloaf Channel. The existing bridge is to rem ain in place. Approaches at the Key ''test and lliar:,i end will be lengthened and veidened and a shoulder will be created along; the north side (Gulf side) of U.S. 1. This shoulder construction will necessitate filling of submerged and transition zone areas. Submerged lands total 52,390 cubic yards i:rrile transition zone areas total 25,306 cubic yards raking a grand total of 77,06 cubic yards. Depending, on the alternatives, an additional 34,000 cubic yards will be tomporarily placed on submerged lands or 14,000 cubic yards will be re -loved from subr:Evrged lands. To reduce piling breakage, 36-inch diameter holes will be pre -drilled. An estirsated 160 cubic yards will be unrecoverable from the drilling operation. The general area around Lower Sugarloaf Channel Bridge is undeveloped V.,Ith only marginal disturbance to adjacent transition zones and "upland" areas. The "upland" areas located slightly above the mean high water elevation are venetated primarily by red rMangroves. Upland vec;etation alone disturbed areas consists of red, black and Vrhite liiangroves and buttonwood. Subr o2rgent vegetation in the general area consists of r,arine algae and sea grasses. The submersed substrate is hard with a slight accumulation of marl. The specific viorksite is located inn.",ediately north of the existing Loser Sugarloaf Channel fi:'ridge. Poth approaches, Key :Vest tend and tliar.i ens', are vecretate i Ly z mixture of red, white and black saan rove aloe, wi t;h buttoritrood and halophytic succulents. -fo J1_Y1 1oit'7Ss Monroe County Cornissioners Page Two September 29. 1976 On undisturbed submerged bottoms, the substrate is generally solid, composed of limestone with a thin layer of marl overlay. In the disturbed area parallel and adjacent to the existing bridge, the substrate varies only slightly. tiodium-fine to fine marl particles mixed with unconsolidated organic debris have drifted into the excavated area and have filled it nearly to the existing surrounding contour. The original depth of the excavated area ranged from 24 feet below the bottom substrate to 7 feet. dater depth in the irmiediate area averaged 4k. feet, reaching 7 feet in depressions in the disturbed area. Vegetation located in the project area is low in diversity but lush in growth. Turtlegrass is the predominant grass growing in the previously disturbed area adjacent to the bridge. Cuban shoalweed was also noted in this area. Sparsely scattered through the grass were several species of macroscopic marine algae. Marine algae are found along all the piling and fill areas adjacent to both sides of the existing bridge. Marine algae are also located beneath the existing bridge. The width of the disturbed section distinctly seen as the vegetated grassy area varies. This area, of course, parallels the existing bridge. A variety of marine life was observed around and under the bridge as well as in the grass flats: sponges, tunicates, coral and other coelenterates, gastropods, spiny lobster, rays, grunt, snapper, parrot fish, small riarire tropicals and numerous r*3acro-invertebrates, Including various shrir9}p, crabs, polychaetes and araphipods. Alternate "A" entails dredging in an area approximately 1,288 feet long by 160 feet wide by -5 feet in depth. This will result in approximately 14,000 cubic yards being rer.oved from the dredge area. Alternate "B" entails tckrporary filling 34,000 cubic yards adjacent to the existing bridge along the north side. Both of these proposals are objectionable. Alternate "A" will disrupt approximately 2'06,400 square feet of submerged bottom. The botton discontinuity which will result frog: the excavation is expected to entrap organic matter adversely effecting water duality and under surge conditions possibly resuspending such unconsolidated particles. Frog the information contained in the application, no ,provisions are r.;ade for restoration after the bridge is corinleted. The excavation itself will eliminate the entire vegetative corrr?unity which has re-established itself in the previously disturbed area. This excavation will also resuspend all flocculent particles which have settled and were stabilized by the vegetation cover. Vegetation has been shown to stabilize substrates, increase the dissolved oxygen to surroundinn water, increase nutrient recycling, and provide attachr'ent and habitat for benthic orf,anistns 4;hich are an excellent food source for huger organis►:,s. The dredge alternate lacks data addressing the methodology of dredging in an area of frequently exposed limcrock substrate (i.e. blasting). Monroe County commissioners Page Three September 29, 1976 Alternate "6" proposes to temporarily fill 34,000 cubic yards adjacent to the existing bridge. Alternate "B" will eliminate the same vegetated area that Alternate "A" will elit!-Anate by direct filling. This condition is only temporary since the fill will be removed down to the original contour. Vowever, it is my opinion that none of the vegetation will regain after placing and then rer.oving the fill. Removing the vegetation will result in the same problems encountered in Alternate "A". One other problem to contend with is that an unstable substrate will be allowed to interact with state water providing the possibility of siltation and degradation of water quality. The fill alternative lacks essential inforriation addressing slope stabilization methods to control erosion and wash- out, and duration estimates pertinent to flooding and seasonal tide variances pertaining to the temporary fill area, necessary hydrographic data is also r-Assing (i.e. volur.ie of flow, velocity of flow, etc.). Specific data of this nature is essential to understanding the head differential and tidal variables likely to result in relation to the culvert sizing and frequency. Another major problem is the filling to the north of U.S. 1 from just west of caddlebunch VS to east of Sugarloaf Channel.- The placement of over 300,000 cubic yards of riaterial will eliminate transition and submerged vegetation over a 3.3 r4le length. Additionally, over 2Ga,000 cubic yards of fill vtill be needed for this area alone to bring the project arela up to spccifications along the "shoulder area"/realignrnent of U.S. 1 which extends from Saddle►crunch #5 to Loaner Sugarloaf Channel. Tito source of such large ar.;ounts of fill, which has yet to be determined, t.ay create future environrlrental ��robler�s. The Loafer Sugarloaf and Saddlebunch Keys areas should be considered environr�.entally significant as an essential link in the rr;arine food chain. This highly sensitive i.angrove ecosystetm, characterized by relatively shallop tidal vraters, is utilized extensively as nursery and feeding grounds for juvenile fish and wildlife. The tidal flow at tt►o subject aridEed interfaces allows an essential exchange of nutrients and migratory larva. Elevated volur;ies of floe at ih`se Bay/Straits interfaces were produced by the original roadway construction divertir.r the diurnal flooding and draining of vast areas. Alterations to the tidal flow of such a shallow area could not only affect nutrient exchange and migratory fauna patterns, but could expose vast areas of habitat not adapted to such stress. Examples of the integrity of the bridote construction and raintenance E;iethods utilized in the past are evidenced by the randoim deposit of structural concrete r-:erbers and rubble into the craters directly below:. The subject applications involve extensive alterations to a vast, significant and sensitive ecosystem. Pre -application planning mieetings stressed the idea of coordinating the fill requiroi�,ents (a pproxi'mately YO -t '),000 cubic yards per brie(le) in this area of r�i;�ir.al uplands with caro:unity tree is (i.e. potential r;arina sites) • Monroe County Commissioners Page Four September 29, 1976 so as to incur the waximum future use of these necessarily lame borrow sites. Since proposed construction techniques will eliminate a large area of valuable transition zone and submerged land habitat, it is recommended that the project be modified to eliminate the proposed shift nort}nrard of U.S. 1 which extends into the transition zone and submerged land areas. Pursuant to the requirement of Section 253.124(3), Florida Statutes, the preceding comments should be duly considered by the cow�,ission and read Into the minutes at which determination of local approval is made. Sincerely, 0 A. dean Tolman Section Administrator Standard Permitting Section AJT/pps Enclosure L cc:'Frsueddy Miller Charles Schnepel P, or KEYaATtLES Cp S 0.1 Qn tj rl SuGAR 0 Y,t'4 KEY 00 c L 0 BLIst 4 &4 - VE r 25 Qy Dou26 " 2 OE p 2 LA c wjj.P AIL ptv E-4 LA 36 KEYS 0 Y, OQI s&oll TILIS. f 1'''0� SOG S A 5j)k 01�1 PRO 'ECT' LOCATION 10 , 'SEGTI'ONS4=, �; \ I sLf T�7 �S 27 -;a �o 4— r ete H SLjCARLoA - ,, V t vcNillefoo 1�4 _­J VICINITY MAP FROM MONROE COUNTY HIGHWAY MAP PROJECT NO. 90020-3523 PROPOSED FILL AND DREDGE IN LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL S.R,,5 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATE D-1 1976 qHFFT I OF 92 SHEET NO. 2 OF 22 N tf) M W , 00 Of N ZO 00 2rn 0 50 100 1041-inear Ft. of Riprap 0 C_ Proposed Bridge Scale(Ft.) Existing Bridge to remain 3 8 �-- F �- in To Key West Existing Grade 20 — i 0-= a_ 1 -10— 0 510 O to Scale (Ft.) oI 02' G .103 Linear Ft. of Riprap -IN 1 c1 _�_____� ==_ =- ___ _�___----- Existing Wall PLAN -(c Existing Wall To��, To Remain L-->• F I'_ To 1;288* (Overall Bridge Length) *2c11D;­ C r 1 Can Qhan*Oi .TPmn_ Fill Qren Flev.+r_ - See Sheet 21 For Dredge Details Dredge Area Elev.-5.0� ELEVATION See Sheet 22 For Temp. Fill Details Mom- E I. + 1.04 M L.W. EI. Minimum Vertical Clearance M.H.W. = 9.60// Minimum Vertical Clearance M.L.W.=10.30, Existing Vertical Clearance =5.4'± Minimum Horizontal Clearance=78.00 Existing Horizontal Clearance = 15.0'± Water Reference Datum N.0_A.A. t0.34 36110± Hole for Pile Driving FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION METHOD Revised 7/20/76 -- r0 0 --10 L0 50 100 Sca I e (Ft.) To Miami ` 1 TYPICAL SECTION THRU PROPOSED BRIDGE FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL AND DREDGE IN LOWER SUGARLOAF CH. BRIDGE NO. 900102 MAY 1976 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET No. 3 OF 22 1 ro N U) ro w 00 cr- N 0 0 z- rn LEGEND LIMIT OF TRANSITION ZONE MHW MLW TOE OF SLOPE FLOATING SILT BARRIER PARCEL NUMBER TEMP. FILL (SUBMERGED LAND) • DREDGE AREA (SUBMERGED LAND) FILL AREA ( SUBMERGED LAND AND TRANSITION ZONE) RUBBLE 0 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTJ VVVVVVVVVVVVVV FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANS PORTt,TIG�J TO KEY WEST BEGIN PROJECT STA. 317+00 A Q. EXIST. ROADWAY M N M w 00 cr Z CV O m rn N kL CONST.--,\ SHEET NO. 4 OF 22 1 324 SILT BARRIER w z - -................... A / a• R /W- SCALE: I 100, FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO KEY WEST 325 330 SHEET NO. 5 OF 22 1 RJW LINE -//l/ - - - SILT BARRIER (L CONST, I Q - E Lo w � 00 z 0 00 2 rn (L EXIST. ROADWAY B R/W LINE SCALE: I "= 100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 0 W� i M N U) w 00 cr- N O p X. 0) C TO KEY WEST 1122',� 335 Dredge Area Extends From R/ W LINE Sta.334+50± To Sto. 345+ 72 ± -- TO MIAMI 340 SILT BARRIER SHEET NO. 6 OF 22 1 VVV*�EGINVBRIDGE V V VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV I VV. ' STA.334+19.93VVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV 10 IoVVVV VVVVi/VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV= lw � J ALT. D- I = »-- �_---- - --�_ ------ _ __--- ----- -- h S I LT BARRIER (L EXIST. ROADWAY EXISTING BRIDGE ( TO REMAIN) R/W LINE - CONST. ALT. "A` FOR ALT. "A" QUANTITIES SEE SHEET 14 SCALE: I 100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER S UGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO 900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO KEY WEST SHEET NO. 7 OF 22 341 Dredge Area Extends From ,,�Sta. 334+50'17 To Sta.345+72t R/W LINE---,,,.,, SILT BARRI VVCL CONST'V v V Vv � vV ,v vv v v v vv Wivvvvvvvv Q EXIST. ROADWAY M N 0 0 ZN O Z 0) 112 ' 345 TO M IAM I 348 —# D V*v V V V V V V v V V v v END BRIDGE V V V V STA. 347+07.9 IZ vV VvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVV VV VVVVVV VV V V VV VVvvVVVVv� _ -ALT. D- SILT BARRIER EXISTING BRIDGE (TO REMAIN) CONST. ALT. "A" - t- - - = T- -1 - D I R/W LINES SCALE:1 "=100' 1 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILL 81 DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION M N M W 0 0 0 0 Z5 0) m w z_ J p- C TO KEY WEST 335 11221 R/ W LINE EXISTING BRIDGE TO REMAIN) ISHEET NO.8 OF 22 TO MIAMI Temp. Fill Area Extends 340 From Sta.334+50 To Sta.345+72. Y 1 ` R/W LINE CONST. ALT. 11B11 FOR ALT. " B " QUANTITIES SEE SHEET 15 SCALE: I 100' I FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILL a DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO 900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO KEY WEST SHEET NO. 9 OF 22 Temp. Fill Area Extends From Sta. / 334+ 501* To Sto. 345+ 72 t r%'Flip . ... /- oITTTT T TTT T T- i'TTTTT TT TT J S CL EXIST. - ROADWAY EXISTING BRIDGE ( TO REMAIN) N • LO 0 0 CONST. ALT.� "B" cr N Z 0 0 7! o) ►tJ z_ J --e- D R/W LINES SCALE: 1'1=100, FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTttTION SKEET NO. 10 OF 22 [ ro N ul K) WI 00 Ir N z 0 00 20) 350 R/ W LINE TO MIAMI 355 C. CONST. SILT BARRIER W_ .....� J W I W _ Z U - � J =�- ..... _._ ......_........... _.._......... d Q EXIST. ROADWAY R/W LINE SCALE: I "=100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING 1 PROPOSED FILL a DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 360 R/W LINES d. CON ST. I SHEET NO.11 OF 22 TO MIAMI 365 I SILT BARRIER - w_........ ------------- - ii-lom Io N w 00 cr N z0 00 20 (. EXIST. ROADWAY E ----- ---- 1L R/ W LINE SCALE: I" = 100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL 81 DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.9OO1O2 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION c.x�noz.: +s�-r'+erx_a . n...,,;a n ., .: ,aa. c •.=.-c:. -o. U M N w 0 TCNJ o z 0 00 2 rn 367 R/ W LINE-- -_ SILT BARRIER (L CONST. 370 STA . 369 + 00 (L EXIST. ROADWAY R/W LINES SCALE- I "=100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 13 OF22 i IM N U) ro w ' Oo Q: N Z O 2 rn ADJACENT Parcel No. RIPARIAN Owners OWNERS O THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND 8 2 nd. STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA. 94105 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION r SHEEET 14 22 ro w 0 � o z o 2 0) QUANTITIES FOR CONST. ALT. Aye KEY WEST MIAMI TOTAL END END , EST. FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 2.81 AC 1.80 1.70 AC AC 4.61 2.53 AC AC EST. FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE 0.83 AC EST FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND 38,798 CY 13,592 CY' 52,390 CY I EST. FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 9,240 CY 16,066 CYO 25,306 t CYO EST. DREDGE VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND 71000 CY 71 000 0 CY 14,`000 CYO 0 CY 4 cy I EST. DREDGE VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 0 CY EST. DREDGE AREA SUBMERGED LAND 2.13 AC 2.13 AC 4.26 AC [-EST DREDGE AREA TRANSITION ZONE 0 AC 0 AC 0 AC 0 EST. VOLUME INCLUDES RUBBLE VOLUME INCLUDES DREDGE FOR PILES AND DREDGE FOR BARGE ACCESS UNDER PROPOSED BRIDGE. 1 FEDERAL AiD PARTi iPry:,T iid DREDGE MATERIAL WILL BE UTILIZED IN THE PROPOSED EMBANKMENT, SUBJECT TO THE DEPARTMENTS EMBANKMENT UTILIZATION SPECIFICATIONS. PROPOSED FILi_.I ,AtvD DREDGING F0,R LOWER SUGARLOAF CHAN. MAY 1976 Bl= iDGE N'0. 900102 FLORIDA DEPART,1ENT CF T RA Ic -; T,;':;; M N M w 0 � o z o 0 0 2 rn QUANTITIES FOR CONST. ALT. i9 B " KEY WEST END MIAMI END 1.80 -- AC � TO TA 4.61 L- AC EST FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 2.81 AC EST. FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE 0.83 AC 1.70 AC 2.53 AC EST. FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND 38,798 CY 13,592 CY 52,390 CY EST. FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 9,240 17, 0 00 CY CY 16,066 179000 CY CYA 25,306 34,000 CY L� EST. TEMP FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND EST. TEMP. FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 0 CY 0 CY 0 cl,y EST. TEMP FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 1.29 AC 1.29 AC 2.58 AC. SST. TEMP FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE 0 AC 0 AC 0 AC 0 EST. VOLUME INCLUDES RUBBLE EST. 160 C.Y. FOR DREDGE FOR PILES I FEDERAL AID PART!CIPATI^nG � PROPOSED FILL!,I:'°G �;^sD DREDGING FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHAN. MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPAF, .%lENT OF �...! 1 � \-J RR, i SHEET NO. 16 OF 22 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 317+00 PROPOSED 4:I _---- --__ SLOPE ' EXISTING SLOPE IrMHW*1.04 ---- MLW+0.34 0. m N w o ' : o o z `v 0 0 7! 0) SCALE:I"- 5' VERT. I = 20' HORIZ. SEC. A- A ------------- I FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE - FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.17 OF22 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 325+00 PROPOSED 4: 1 SLOPE ,"*--EXISTING MHW+1.04 MLW+0.34 _ ✓' Ll- M N M W 00 N zo 00 x- rn SCALE :I" =5' VERT. I" =20' HORIZ. SEC. B-B SLOPE FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILL a DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE N0. 900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 18 0F22 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA.333+00 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE MLW+0.34 C� SCALE : I° = 5' VERT. 1" =20' HORIZ. M Lo w 00 fr N Z 0 00 7- rn SEC. C- C - _ EXISTING SLOPE FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 19 OF 22 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA.348400 PROPOSE 4:1 SLO SCALE : I" = 5' VERT. i" = 20' HORIZ. M M w� 00 N z0 00 20) 10 /offft'—EXISTINP SLOPE SEC. D-D FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA . 365 +00 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE } �MLW+0.34 MHW+1.04 SCALE: 1 = S' VERT. 1 " = 20' HORI Z. r1c) N w� 00 0: N z0 00 2 0) SEC. E-E SHEET NO.2O 0F22 15 POSED. 4: 1 SLOPE MHW + 1.04 MLW +0.3 4 _c FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILL a DREDGE FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 0 1 N LO 0 0 0: N z0 00 c c 0 PLAN 0 10 20 Scale(Ft) Proposed Bridge 20 — 100, _ A 10 _ 0 M.H.W.+ 1.04 M.L.W +0.34 -5 -10 2:1 Slope El.-5.0 Existing Bay Bottom -15 SECTION F - F DREDGE DETAI LS MI n- - -4- -- -Ili Slope 2:1 SHEET NO. 21 OF 22 -I'-6"(Stone & Slurry) Slope 2:1 M. H.W 7 i.04 M.L.W. +0.34 51ope HroleMon SECTION THRU FOWARD SLOPE OF PROPOSED BRIDGE Limits of Proposed Slope Protection Edge of .Shoulder ravemenr M.H.NJ,+1.04 -6�� (Stone & Slurry) = M.LW.70.34 I This slope to match._-C I Roadway Fill Slope. 10 20 SECTION THRU SIDE SLOPES 10 RI PRAP DETAILS 0 -5 AID PARTICIPATING I0[FEDERAL PROPOSED FILL & DREDGE -15 FOR LOWER SDGARLOA.F CHANNEL MAY -1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 40 ro 04 t� w o O cr N z o 0 0 1020 Scale (Ft.) O 0 N r 36Pipes To Be Placed At The & Of Each Recess —Sand-cement Riprap Temporary fill limits C Proposed Bridge / �*k Sand —cement Ri ro 8'+ (Typical) PLAN I 0 10 20 Scale (Ft.) 1 t Proposed Bridge a BO _ 38' _ 9'1 20 10 0 MHW+1.04 El. t 5.0¢ M LW +0.34 -10 2:1 SlopeExisting j Existing Bay Bottom -15 SECTION G - G TEMPORARY FILL DETAIL. 2.1 Slope 01 SHEET NO.22 OF 22 —.aaamiacsaem :Y 7G I LG ' CROWN ELEV. OF PIPE WILL BE BEPNEEN EL.+1.04 TOE1.54. FLOW LIFE WILL FIT NATURAL GROUND OR BE EXCAVATED TO MEET ABOVE CRITERIA. 9%, 10 0 =5 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING -10 PROPOSED TEMPORARY FILLING -15 AND DREDGING FOR LOWER SUGARLOAF CHANNEL MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900102 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION