Resolution 189-1976s RES.OLUT.ION # 189, 1976 WHEREAS, the State .of Florida Department .of Transportation proposes. to construct a bridge and approaches at Saddlebunch . No.. 2.Br.idge (S..R. 5) Monroe County., Florida, De- partment of Transportation Project No. 900.2.0-.3522. ,.and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the..Board of County Commissioners of Monroe Co.unty., Florida, .to approve _said project,. and WHEREAS, the Department.of Transportation has provided the Board wi.th.skdtche.s. describing the..proposed construction, and WHEREAS, the State..of Florida Department.of Transportation has filed an application for a dredge -.fill permit from the..State of Florida Department of Environmental Re.gulation,.and WHEREAS,_a biological survey study has been made by. the. Department .of Environmental Re.g:ulati.on,.and a copy of said report has-been read into. the..records and dulyconsidered at a public meeting of the. Board, and WHEREAS, the. Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida, has determined that.the. issuance of a dredge -fill permit will not be. contrary to. the .public interest, NOW THEREF.ORE., BE .IT RES.OLVED., by. the. Board of County. Commissioners, Monroe Co.unty., Florida, that.the. Board endorses. the..State..of Florida Department of Transportation proposal to. construct.a bridge and approaches at.Saddleb.unch No. 2.Bridge (S..R.. 5) , Departmen.t of Transportation Project No.. 900.20-.3522 . ® M -2- as shown in the .attached sketches., and has entered thebiological survey. as shown in. the. attached report .into the. records of a public meeting, and BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED, .that .certi.fied copies of this. -Re- solution be .forwarded to. the. State. of Florida Department.of Transportation and State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. ADOPTED by. the -Board of County. Commissions -of Monroe .County, Florida, this. 26 day of October, 1976 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Monroe County Courthouse Key Nest, Florida 33040 Gentlemen: September 29, 1976 File No. 44-40-3776, Vbnroe County Depart -rent of Transportation, (Saddlebunch #2) • RECEIVED 0{'T 1 1976 Enviren. & E-* --�3i e 3ev. Our staff has perforr.ed a biological survey for this project and offers the fol 1 awi ng corments : The applicant proYoses to construct a 632-ft. long by 47-ft. wide bridge over Saddlebunch No. 2 Channel. The existing bridge is to remain in place. rpproacite, at thle Key t,cst and : iami cnd. will be lengthened and widened and a shoulder will be created along the north side (Gulf side) of C.Q.S. 1. This shoulder construction will necessitate filling of subrerc7ed and transition zone areas. Submerged lands total 47,0.91 cubic yards while transition zone areas total 13,399 cubic yards raking a grand total of 61,3590 cubic yards. Depending on the alternatives, an additional 10,050 cubic yards All be te:::;orarily placed on sub. forced lairds or 15,t"0U cubic yards gill a -)a reroved fron sub:rerc�d lands. To reduce pilirg breakage, 36-inch diar.,eter holes All i:e pre drilled. An estirated 86 cubic yards will be unrecoverable from the drilling operation. The general area around Saddlebunch Bridge A2 is undeveloped with only marginal disturbance to adjacent transition zones and "upland" areas. South and test of the .existing Sa ddlek unch ? Erid ce is an area which has been developed into a canal subdivision with subsequent dredging and filling. north and east of the proposed bridge is another canal subdivision wthich has experienced sfi:dlar developrent. The botto;ls substrates are norrally bard except in disturbed areas or depressions where rarl sedirents and ornanic debris have accurulated. The "upland" arras located slightly above the mean hick wrater elevation are vecoetated prir iaril_v by red r: anrroves. 6pland vegetation along disturbed areps consists of red, black and r.hite ri;angroves and buttonwood. Su€ n-,ergent veftetation in time -eneral area co:,sists of marine algae and sea grasses. ��n�l iof//7y ,v.�;`� .. .-. :: 7P'Ma..,..xr:3+' ..: �:^r •,:•a�^s,;.���v,�,.g.:�a„eX»�w ^"7� �-.•m^�m,a•.�^� .. �a�+�aw•�..ra�� �w._a�a�ac�re•_r.. Monroe County Commissioners Page Two September 29, 1976 The specific worksite is located immediately north of the existing Saddlebunch #2 Bridge. Both approaches, Key West end and t-iiani end, are vegetated by a mixture of red, white and black mangrove along with buttonwrood and halophytic succulents. On undisturbed submerged bottoms, the substrate is generally solid, composed of limestone with a thin layer of marl overlay. In the disturbed area parallel and adjacent to the existing bridge, the substrate varies only slightly. Mediuri-fine to fine marl particles mixed with unconsolidated organic debris have drifted into the excavated area and have filled it nearly to the existing surrounding contour. The original depth of the excavated area ranged from 3 feet below the bottom substrate to 5 feet. Water depth in the Urnediate area was no deeper than 2 feet and closer to 1 foot near the existing bridge. Vegetation located in the project area is low in diversity but lush in grovith. Turtlegrass is the predominant grass growing in the previously disturbed area adjacent to the bridge. Cuban shoalweed was also noted in this area rtiore specifically along the entire southern edce of the disturbed area. This growth was extrerely dense. Sparsely scattered through the grass were several species of macroscopic algae. farine algae are found along all the piling and fill areas adjacent to both skies of the existing bridge. Turtlegrass and several species of r:iarine algae are located beneath the existinu triage primarily in depressions containing water 6 inches to 1; inches deep. The width of the disturbed section distinctly seen as the vegetated grassy area is approxiiately 10,g feet wide. This area, of course, parallels the existing bridge. Located to the south of the existing bridge is fill which extends south nearly 50 feet from the bridge supports. This rwaterial wras probably placed in this location during the construction of the existing bridge. Peter depth is very shallow and several areas exhibit small accu-i_-:ulations of concrete rubble. ' There appears to be a very minir,al floe through the spanned opening., A variety of marine life was observed around and under the bridge as well as in the grass flats: sponges, tunicates, coral and other coelenterates, gastropods, spiny lobster, rays, grunt, snapper, parrot fish, small r?arine. tropicals and numerous macro -invertebrates, including various shrimp, crams, polychaetes and amphipods. Alternate "A" entails dredging in an area approxir.iately 632 feet long by 160 feet wide by -5 feet in depth. This will result in approximately 15,000 cubic; yards being removed from the dredge area. Alternate "E" entails te:nporary fillin:� 10,0E0 cubic yards adjacent to the existing bridge along the north side. Monroe County Commissioners Page Three September 29, 1976 Both of these proposals are objectionable. Alternate "A" will disrupt approximately 101,120 square feet of submerged bottom. The bottom discontinuity which will result from the excavation is expected to entrap organic matter adversely effecting Prater duality and under surge conditions possibly resuspending such unconsolidated particles. From the information contained in the application, no provisions are rade for restoration after the bridge is Completed. The excavation itself will elinlnate the entire vecetative corclunity which has re-established itself in the previously disturbed area. This excavation will also resuspend all flocculent particles which have settled and were stabilized by the vegetation cover. Vegetation has been shown to stabilize substrates, increase the dissolved oxygen to surrounding water, increase nutrient recycling, and provide attachment and habitat for benthic organisms which are an excellent food source for higher organisms. The dredge alternate lacks data addressing the methodology of dredging in an area of frequently exposed lirierock substrate (i.e. blasting). Alternate "8" proposes to temporarily fill 10,050 cubic yards adjacent to the existing bridge. Alternate "€3" will eliminate the sarpe vegetated area that Alternate "A" v.ill eliminate by direct filling. This condition is only temporary since the fill will be rcraoved down to the original contour. !-loviever, it is my opinion that none of the vegetation will re -main after placing and then rer:.oving the fill. Removing the vegetation will result in the same problems encountered in Alternate "A". Ono other probl en to contend With is that an unstable substrate will be allowed to interact with state grater providing the possibility of siltation and degradation of iwater quality. the fill alternative lacks essential information addressing slope stabilization-Aethods to control erosion and wash- out, and duration estinlates pertinent to flooding and seasonal tide variances pertaining to the temporary fill area, necessary hfdrographic data is also r:issing (i.e. volu-:� of flow, velocity of floor, etc.). Specific data of this nature is essential to understanding the head differential and tidal variables likely to result in relation to the culvert sizing and frequency. Another riajor probleri is the filling to the north of U.S. 1 from just test of Saddlebrtnch #5 to east of Sugarloaf Channel. The place:r:,ent of over 300,000 cubic yards of F1'aterial vaill eliminate natural transition and submerged vegetation over a 3.3 vile length. Additionally, over 260,000 cubic yards of fill will be needed for this area alone to bring the project area up to specifications along the 'shoulder area"/realign ent of U.S. 1 which extends from S,addlebunch 4,5 to Lower Sugarloaf Channel. The source of such large mounts of fill, VIhich has yet to be determined, may create future environrental problews. J 1 0 Monroe County Commissioners Page Four September 29, 1976 The tower Sugarloaf and Saddlebunch Keys areas should be considered environmentally significant as an essential link in the marine food chain. This hiqhly sensitive mangrove ecosystem, characterized by relatively shallow tidal waters, is utilized extensively as nursery and feeding grounds for juvenile fish and wildlife. The tidal flow at the subject bridged interfaces allows an essential exchange of nutrients and migratory larva. Elevated voluries of flow at these Say/Straits interfaces were produced by the original roadway construction diverting the diurnal flooding and draining of vast areas. Alterations to the tidal flow of such a shallow area would not only affect nutrient exchange and migratory fauna patterns, but could expose vast areas of habitat not adapted to such stress. Examples of the integrity of the bridge construction and maintenance methods utilized in the past are evidenced by the random deposit of structural concrete members and rubble into the craters directly below. The subject applications involve extensive alterations to a vast, significant and sensitive ecosystem. Pre -application planning meetings stressed the idea of coordinating the fill requirements (approximately 30-60,000 cubic yards per bridge) in this area of minimal uplands with coiwmunity needs (i.e. potential marina sites) so as to incur the maximum future use of these necessarily large borro4r sites. Since proposed construction techniques will elimI nate a large area of valuable transition zone and submerged land habitat, it is tern,.-zlended that the project be modified to eliminate the proposed shift nortliv.,ard of C.S. 1 which extends into the transition .zone and submerged land areas. Pursuant to the requirer-t;ent of Section 253.124(3), Florida Statutes, the preceding corsients should be duly considered by the cor ission and read into the iiinutes at which determination of local approval is r-:ade. Sincerely, 9. A. Jean Tolman Section Adr:inistrator Standard Permitting Section AJT/pps Enclosure cc: Vfreddy Willer Charles Schnepel y # NPpPY 3 SZ�ESNAK ;� �;� t7 pKEY t � PtGEOa e , urA C4�y1JP5 E E.. 19�5`' ` Zr !fz v asin ,� 2x s E•.� `} �� � 1 LG'1/PL• S�•INSE � �% /-f� " ✓ fir,, kFy';25 ''=.'"�'` .,� KEY � Er � '4 r �� ••� :,.'=j4"^C�f Ktr q: 6 KEY `� 1 EZ 'F 31 ;tT�es PlS, ~C OKEY t�al �i•. o ve KEYS tic` f ' t1T &UG 1pQ rt/ 4 S il! 1 0 - < Al ap -`- 1-OCAllON1 �(�i SET10N T,..R C2�,EE UA 6 U 0. Soya t s VICINITY MAP FROM MONROE COUNTY HIGHWAY MAP PROJECT NO. 90020-3522 PROPOSED FILL AND DREDGE FOR SADDLEBUNCH NO. 2 BRIDGE S.R. 5 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATE D-1 1976 SHFFT I OF 19 - N N L0 wl 00 d= N z0 00 ern 0 25 50 0 105 Linear Ft. of Riprap E ,n Scale (Ft.) a �. Proposed Bridge � 1 Existing Bridge to remain I SHEET NO. 2 OF 19 100 Linear Ft. of Riprap ,\ o� tt �� F Z( 0 � To Key West �� � 11( �� F Existing Wall To Remain fir! Existing Wall To Remain—� -PLAN �J Existing Grade 20 -_0 --'- -20 pd 0 510 0 Sca le (Ft) 0 632'± (Overall Bridae Lenath 36"Pipes For Locations See Sheet 19 See Sheet 18 For Dredge Details M.H.W.+0.99 Minimum Vertical Clearance M.H.W. = 8.40" Minimum Vertical Clearance M.L.W. = 9.06' Existing Vertical Clearance =4.8'± Minimum Horizontal Clearance = 78.00'� Existing Horizontal Clearance = 15.0'± Water Reference Data N.O.A.A. Temp, Fill Area Elev.+5.0 11 , 11 Dredge Area Elev. - 5.0 ELEVATION M. L.W.+0.33 0 2550 Scale (Ft.) See Sheet 19 For Temp. Fill Details .36'0t Hole for Pile Driving FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION METHOD Revised 7/20/76 .:sirrm:ms.r+*,err✓,mrs..�.rs.r�,»c.a�+¢-ce..rsa.t�. wdc�a�ci, a .u•.m-.:, 20 1� -20 46'- 9" TYPICAL SECTION THRU PROPOSED BRIDGE I FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLERUNCH NO.2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 3 OF 19 I LEGEND LIMIT OF TRANSITION ZONE MHW MLW TOE OF SLOPE FLOATING SILT BARRIER PARCEL NUMBER TEMP. FILL ( SUBMERGED LAND) DREDGE AREA (SUBMERGED LAND) FILL AREA ( SUBMERGED LAND AND TRANSITION ZONE) RUBBLE (V w , 0 0 cc N Z 0 00 2 0) 0 TTTTTTTTTTTTr. TT VVVVVVVVVVVVVV FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED ' FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 9000 93 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSP0RTt1 T ION SHEET NO. 4 OF 19 TO KEY WEST .oar, A BEGIN PROJECT .......... (ZTA 987 -Lnr% 290 SILT BARRIER CONSTRUCTIO1 .................... ------ me Ew. R/W---' ............ - ---7�- U =10 I - -- -� wz ------------------------- - i EXISTING ROADWAY SCALE I"=100' 2 ,\ FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR 'SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION N N U) ro W I cr No 00 Mrn 0 W _Z J TO KEY WEST SILT BARRIER LB �_ EXISTING ROADWAY TO MIAMI --� 1 573� SHEET NO. 5 OF 19 1 Dredging Area Extends From Sta.294+10t To Sta. --- R/W_� 299 + 83 ±. vv� T--- ---------- ---- ----- m ------E1--------------------------- w Z -�` EXISTING BRIDGE SILT BARRIER -► (TO REMAIN) i= CONST. ALT. "A" FOR ALT. "A" QUANTITIES SEE SHEET 12 U SCALE I= 100, FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No.2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.9OOO93 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION .-­—...,-1 1 . 11...:. . . I - ,­ SHEET NO. 6 OF 19 N N U) w n ao cr N z o 00) 2 -- TO KEY WEST TO MIAMI .Dredge Area Extends From Sta. 294 + 10= To Sta. 299+83±. �vVVVV VVVV 00 VV VV p VVVVV VVvvvoVvvV IVVVVV VVVV r° R/W END BRIDGE SILT BARRIER STA.300+12.64 CONSTRUCTION 305 77- uj L,JTZ'-- -SILT---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- z J' BARRIER - EXISTING BRIDGE EXIST. ROADWAY (TO REMAIN) LC a a R/W -4 -- CONS'. ALT.. "A" SCALE: I°=100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION •LYFaLId.:'��'s Y:1 ".-::u3 .Y,tr b^. :..t.x ... - G.. .. L_, y-..-+Y.. N N w r 00 cr N z 00 Mrn —TO KEY WEST TO MIAMI 573' R/W SHEET N0. 7 OF 19 Temp. Fill Area Extends From Sta.294+10+To Sta.299+83±. SILT BARRIER BEGIN BRIDGE STA. 293 +80.64 7-7-7 ------ - T TT-TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT- TT ,f TTTTTTT CONSTRUCTION Q -_ TTTT 295T TTTTTTo TTf9�TT�`ITTT� Q -... ........- ............. :- EXISTING BRIDGE SILT 21 ` I (TO REMAIN) BARRIER EXISTING ROADWAY LB C ONST. ALT. "B" FOR ALT. "B" QUANTITIES SEE SHEET 13 -- R/W- SCALE I "= 100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No.2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO, 900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTt,TION SHEET NO. 8 OF 19 N N w rq 00 cr N z 0 0rn 2 TO KEY WEST TO MIAMI —� 573 Temp. Fill Area Extends From C Ste 294+10'To Ste, 299+831 -- — -- __ R/W7 END BRIDGE SILT BARRIER 300 STA 300+12.64 CONSTRUCTION 305 T TTTTT TTT -�'-=--------_--_ ---_ --- " � o TTTT - 'TTT ��-_--- - ---------- -.------%-------- I T T TTTT TTTT- / "�� WW A�� 0 - - - - - - - - - -La zo SIL-T � __-_------- z BARRIER �; .:--.......:-.._........ -' = EXISTING BRIDGE EXIST. ROADWAY 'u (TO REMAIN) LC R/W -1 CO N ST. ALT.. "B" SCALE: I"=100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �wl c\j N p LIJ I 00 (r C\l 0 z 00 20) TO MIAMI SHEET NO. 9 OF 19 R/W CONSTRUCTION SILT BARRIER 310 EXIST. ROADWAY -R/W I --- r'° LD --- -- - -- - - - - m. i w Z SCALE: I"=100' [ FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.9-00093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SILT 315 TO MIAMI ............... BAPRIER END PROJECT (D CONSTRUCTION , I VA IJA in WA m �l 0 �mrw j w z J- RIW--7 EXISTING ROADWAY SCALE 1'= 100 STA. 317+ 00 RPW_� 319 SHEET NO. 10 OF 19 I FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 11 OF 19 1 ADJACENT Pa rce I N o. O O N RI PARIAH OWNERS Owners THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND 82 nd. STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94105 EDGAR ROYCE PERRY &' CLAIR N* PERRY JOHN D. RATH & MAXINE F. RATH 52 BEACH DRIVE BAY POINT, KEY WEST, FLA. 33040 JOHN C. LEWIS 5 INDIAN ROAD NORTON , MA. 02766 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTt.TION N Lo K) I 0 � o O o O rn QUANTITIES FOR CONST. ALT. A KEY EST E I`��' D M I A h1 E N! D I TOTAL' � EST. FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 1.20 0.22 AC AC 2.68 1.08 AC° AC 3.88 1.30 47,991 13,399 15,000 0 A.0 AC C`ti' CY C ( CY EST. FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE EST. FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAID 12,214 CY 31864 CY 71500 CY 357777 CY EST. FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 9,535 CY 7,1500 CY EST. DREDGE VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND EST. DREDGE VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 0 CY 0 CY EST. DREDGE AREA SUBMERGED LAND 1.03 0 AC AC 1.03 0 AC ACC 2.06 0 AC AC EST DREDGE AREA TRANSITION ZONE 0 EST. VOLUME INCLUDES RUBBLE VOLUME INCLUDES DREDGE FOR PILES AND DREDGE FOR BARGE ACCESS UNDER PROPOSED BRIDGE I FEDERAL AID PARTI C I PATI N !G DREDGE MATERIAL WILL BE UTILIZED IN THE PROPOSED EMBANKMENT, SUBJECT TO THE DEPARTMENTS EMBANKMENT UTILIZATION SPECIFICATIONS. PROPOSED FILLI^',IG AN`-) DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH N o. 2 M AY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900093 FLORIDA DEPk -! ENT OF }. i S H E E T;°, ra. 13 c,19 i QUANTITIES FOR CONST. ALT. "B " KEY WEST END MIAMII END 2.68 AC �w—�---, TOTAL_ i EST. FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 1.20 AC 3.88 1.30 47,991 13 399 10,050 0 1.14 AC � AC Cy CY Cy e AC AC , EST. FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE EST. FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND � _ EST FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE EST. TEMP FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND 0.22 AC 12, 214_CY 3,864 C Y 57025 CY 1.08 AC 35,777 CY ,. 9 535 uY 51025 CY ---- ---- p CY 0.57 AC 0 AC,--0 EST TEMP FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE ------- 0 CY EST. TEMP FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 0.57 AC 0 AC ESTTEMP FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE 0 EST. VOLUME INCLUDES RUBBLE EST 86 C.Y. FOR DREDGE FOR PILES. FEDERAL AID PFcuP0SED FILL,;`. _, n, ,.., DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No.2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900093 FLORIDA DEPAI c ``,, --N," Or T F SHEET NO. 14 OF 19 1 w 0 z m N N LO m I 0 N 0 rn SECTION THRU'ROADWAY, AT STA. 288 +00 PROPOSED 4=/PE EXISTING SLOPE W+0.99 �MLW+0.33 SCALE 1" = 5' VERT. 1 61 = 20' HORIZ. SEC. A -A FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 15 OF 19 N N to w ro 0 ' w- o z O 0 2 0) a SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 293 +00 1 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE MHW +0.99 SLOPE: I" = 5' VERT • 1"=20' HORIZ. "—EXISTING SLOPE SEC. B-B FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 16 OF 19 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 301+00 PROPOSED 4=1 SLOPE MLW+0.33 �MHW +0.99 SCALE: 1 " = 5' VE RT. • 1 " = 20' HORIZ. N N to W 00 IY N z 0 � 0 .+--EXISTING SLOPE SEC. C-C FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No.2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 17 OF 19 1 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 310+00 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE am—LMLW + 0.33 —— � SCALE: I"= 5' VERT. I" =20' HORIZ. . N N to w ro o ' Q: N 2 m ---_ _ 5 EXISTING SLOPE SEC. D- D FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 0 10 20 Scale (Ft.) 2 0 0 (y N N LO ro w 0 X N z0 00 E SECTION E - E DREDGE DETA I L S 3'-d'Min. SHEET NO. IS OF 19 >lurry) V. - 0.33 �.+a33 5 TING .ND LE - BUNCH No. 2 MAY I976 BRIDGE NO.900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF rR^� E i& f: '/t, 3 I J1 ,i 0 1020 Scale (Ft.) o o N ' 36"Pipes To Be Placed At The (L of Each Recess Sand -cement Riprop � F Temporary fill limits EL- �--Sand-cementt Proposed Bridge cD Riproo V' 8' ± (Typical ) PLAN 0 10 20 Scale (Ft.) i C Proposed Bridge 20 5' 46 10 El. + 5.0± T� 0 MHW+0.99 M L W +0.33 -5 -10 2 : 1 Slope Existing Boy Bottom -15 2.1 Slope SECTION F t F TEMPORARY FILL DETAIL SHEET NO. 19 OF 19 1 LF -*CROWN ELEV. OF PIPE WILL BE BETWEEN EL. +0.99 TO+1.49. FLOW LINE WILL FIT NATURAL GROUND OR BE EXCAVATED TO MEET ABOVE CRITERIA. -5 1 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING -10 PROPOSED TEMPORARY FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE- -15 BUNCH NO. 2 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900093 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF