Resolution 190-1976RES.OLUT.ION #.190, 1976 WHEREAS, the..State of Florida Department of Transportation proposes to. construct a bridge and approaches at Saddlebunch No. 5 Bridge. (S.R. 5) Monroe County, Florida, De- partment.of Transportation Project No. 90.0.20-3519 . and WHEREAS, it is.necessary for the..Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to.approve said project, and WHEREAS, the .Department .of Transportation has provided the. Board with sketches describing the proposed construction, and WHEREAS, the..State of Florida Department of Transportation has filed an application for a dredge -fill permit from the. .State.. of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, and WHEREAS, a biological survey study has been made by the. Department .of Environmental Regulation, and a copy of said report has been read into the. records and duly considered at a public meeting of the Board, and WHEREAS, the. Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County., Florida, has determined that .the..issuance of a dredge -fill permit will not be .contrary to. thepublic interest, NOW THEREFORE,.BE IT RESOLVED, by the. Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County., Florida, that the Board endorses the..State of Florida Department of Transportation proposal to construct a bridge and approaches. at.Saddlebunch No. 5 Bridge (S..R. 5), Department.of Transportation Project No. 90.0.20-3519 r -2- as shown in the attached sketches:, and has entered the biological surveyas shown in.the..attached report into. therecords of a public meeting, .and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED., that certified copies. of this Re- solution be..forwarded to. the .State .of Florida Department of Transportation and State. of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. ADOPTED by the..Board of County. Commissions of Monroe County., Florida, this 26 day of October 1976 _EIVED. cop .,,. SEA' gD1916 Envfron. pev. September 28, 1976 Board of County Commissioners , Monroe County Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Gentlemen'. File No. 44-37-3766, Monroe County - Department of Transportation (SacZdl - bunch if 5 ) Our staff has performed a biological survey for this proposal and offers the following con=eats: The applicant proposes`to construct an 878-foot long by -47--foot wide bridge across Saddlebunch Channel, No. .5. The existing bridge is to be left in place. Two con struction alternatives, have been proposed as follows: Alternative A involves dredging 14,500 cubic yards of material .from an area 100 feet wade along the north side of the pro posed bridge to provide the crorlc bate access. Alternative B involves temporarily filling with 18,600 cubic yards of material along the north side of the bridge in an area varying in width from 75 to 105 feet. The temporary.fill material will be reii.oved and the bottom restored to the original contour. Temporary fill material will be utilized upland in the proposed embanI ientb The Ivey West and Miami approaches will he widened and lengthened and a shoulder be created along the north side of each approach. The shoulder construction will involve the placement of��31,528 cubic yards of material in . the submerged and transition zones. The general area around the project site is undeveloped except for marginal disturbance to adjacent transition zones and upland areas. Uplands are vegetated by red, black and ..white mangroves and bu'i buttonwood. Subre:�gent vegetation consists of marine algae and marine grasses. i Board of County Commissioners September 28, 1976 Page Two The approaches at the specific worksite are vegetated by red, black and white mangroves and buttonwood. undisturbed submerged bottoms have a solid limestone substrate overlaid with a thin layer of marl. The submerged area adjacent to the bridge was previously dredged and has now'silted in with unconsolidated debris and find and medium fine marl. The original depth of the dredge area varz6<<ifrorn 2' to 5 feet below the bottom substrata. Submerged vegetation at the project site is low in diversity but lush in growth. Turtle grass is the dominant vegetation in the disturbed area. other vegetation inc]_udes Cuban shoalweed and a number of species of green algae. A variety _of marine life was observed around the bridge as well as in the grass flats. The following were observed: Sponges, tunicates, coral and other coelentrates, gastropods, spiny lobster, rays, grunt, snapper, parrotfish, shrimp, crabs, c�ds and nulner_ous other invertebrates. polychaetes, Cmphip Located to the immediate south of the existing bridge is a fill which extends 40 feet from the bridge supports. The fill and associated..rubble restrict circulation over most or the channel width except for an area approximately 300 feet in length adjacent to the Key West end, The immediate impact of the bridge installation -on the sub- merged and transition zones will be the elimination of the vegetation and the destruction of the associated habitats. Construction alternative A, which involves dredging, will .,create a bottom discontinuity. It is anticipated that this area will entrap organic matter and the resulting decom- position which will reduce dissolved oNygen will adversely affect water quality. In addition, under surge conditions. the unconsolidated material may be resuspended. The dredging will also resusp end all the flocculent material which has settled out and been stabilized by the vegetation cover since the original dredging occurred.. Although not addressed in the application, excavation of a. trench in areas where limerock substrate is exposed may involve blasting. ''he; environmental im act of blasting would significantly expand the area of habitat destruction beyond the immediate project vicinity. There are no provisions in the application for restoration after the bridges completed. .4 Board of County Commissioners September 28, 1976 Page Three Construction alternative B, which involves filling, will eliminate the same vegetated area as the dredging and :result in similar problems. An unstable substrate will be created that will be subject to resuspension. The actual fill, even though temporary, will be subject to erosion ..and wash out. A major area of concern is the filling along the north side of State Road No. 1 from west of Saddlebunch #5 to east of Sugarloaf Channel. The placement of over 300,000 cubic yards.of fill will eliminate transition and submerged vege- tation over a 3.3 mile length. The source of such large amounts of fill., which has yet to be determined, may create future environmental problems. The Lower. Sugarloaf and 2addlebunch Keys areas should be considered environmentally significant. as an essential link. in the marine food chain. This highly sensitvve mangrove ecosystem, characterized by relatively shallow tidal waters, is 'utilized extensively as.nursery and feeding grounds for juvenile fish and wildlife. The tidal flovz at the subject bridged interfaces al_loPvs. an essential exchange of nutrients and migratory larva. Elevated volumes of.flow at these Bay/Straits i.nterfaces..��ere produced by the original roadway construction diverting the diurnal flooding and draining of vast areas. Alterations to the tidal flow of such a shallow area.would not only affect nutrient exchange and migratory fauna patterns, but could expose.vast areas of habitat not adapted to -such stress® Examples of the integrity of the bridge construction and maintenance methods utilized in the past are evidenced by the ranczo-a deposit of structural concrete members and rubble into 4-he waters directly below. The subject applications involve extensive alterations to a vast, significant and sensitive ecosystem. Pre -application planning meetings stressed the idea of coordinating the fill requirements (approximately 30-60,000 cubic yards per bridge) in this area of minimal uplands with community reeds (i.e. potential marina sites), so as to incur_ the maximum future use of these necessarily large borrow sites. Since proposed con-- struction techniques will eliminate a large -area of valuable transition zone and submerged land habitat, it is recomimended- that the project be modified to eliminate the proposed shift northward of U.S. 1�1 which extends into the transition zone and submerged land areas. It is also recommended that con struction alternative BZ be considered as it would Further, reduce the environmental damage to the area.. r ,�0 At, Hj,VP�•,ACK ` ESsAKE�v , �e�n.21 N O Y, fk " D > r/ r� ti �, (1'1 V1�'EVN • SIUGAg KEY \N KEY G '4� � •� �' � i v�,U �.. ,$asln frn �� 22 • SLG °� u R KEY ofE �r�\ SQUTIP ORRE a EMt' `'' M GU �CC - Kf ��'4t-.� ��.-... KEYSnn !,�/ ^ 4-'' � '�oh�-�e-�ti�.. �ORtES i` �,qs, � •� E�TrSES (�� •�j 1�l �,� �,` `a •C 66cJ ht .- 5� �� f' r l �� r�I' / 4f i2 < 'C l,o� g39 Kt f f UGAR1. S i t-#- A3jou i 411 PROJECT`L'OCATION,,S�- c. �� -; �,. SECTION ``13 a ;"!` x✓ �, SA _ ,. T 67 S,, R6,Y►��o�t f s 5 hac VICINITY MAP FROM MONROE COUNTY HIGHWAY MAP PROJECT NO. 90020-3519 PROPOSED FILL AND DREDGE FOR SADDLEBUNCH NO. 5 BRIDGE S.R. 5 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATE D-1 1976 c,[_,f-ET i nr In SHEET N0. 2 OF 19 0 50 100 95 Linear Ft. of Riprap 0 100 Linear Ft of Riprap o e Scale (Ft.) Proposed Bridge�� LO o Existing Bridge to remain 3 IF-� ►E t -�r---------------- _------------------- _----------- T—Key West �►t--Existing Wall To Remain Existing Wall Tom-'— Existing Grade E PLAN � Remain �F 20— /---, - -- ID_ -20- 0 50 100� Scale (Ft.) 0510 or0 See Sheet 18 For Dredge Details M.H.W.+ Dredge Area Elev.- 5 ELEVATION . Aj Water Reference Datum N.O.A.A. Minimum Vertical Clearance M. H.W. =9.00' Minimum Vertical Clearance M. L.W. =9.801 Existing Vertical Clearance = 5.5 ± Minimum Horizontal Clearance=78.00�� Existing Horizontal Clearance = 15.0 -+ n M w, 00 0: N zo 0a) � M.L.W.+.37 See Sheet 19 For Temp. Fill Detail 36It0 t Hole for Pile Driving a� v FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION METHOD Revised 7/ 20 / 76 �iAR'vil{S.s�r::•;'IIf.Fs�—i�t�.i d'.:W-Y'[Nl�."mT•w . — 20 --20 461-9 TYPICAL SECTION THRU PROPOSED BRIDGE FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 3 OF 19 ;•i iv wI Oo cr N Z O 20) . LEGEND LIMIT OF .TRANSITION ZONE MHW MLW TOE OF SLOPE FLOATING SILT BARRIER PARCEL NUMBER TEMP. FILL ( SUBMERGED LAND) DREDGE AREA' (SUBMERGED LAND) FILL AREA ( SUBMERGED LAND AND TRANSITION ZONE) RUBBLE 0 F—TTTTTTTT T TTTTT VVVVVVVVVVVVVV FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING I PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 4 OF 19 V 10 paq TO KEY WEST BEGIN PROJECT STA. 168+00.00 170 R/W LINE SILT BARRIER 175 A (L CONST-,,\ Ld z _j .................... R/W LINE Q EXIST ROADWAY A ,•\\ SCALE: 1 100, ,\ FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND \\ DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 Ki C, n nnnn n rl o1 UQ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO KEY WEST I � R/W LI i PIV 0 0 X o o rn LSHEET NO. 5 OF 19 \.• .. 180 185 SILT BARRIER 0 (L CONST. ._- • ...... .. • .... IST. ROADWAY SCALE = 111 = 100, FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION rn M W i � o z 0 rE rn TO KEY WEST 186 tL. CONST.---, O m w z_ .c SILT, BARRIER\ — _ ^�— w CO SHEET NO. 6 OF19 of o to 820, CC m TO M IAMI 00 _ wDredge Area Extends ao From Sta.191+00±To 194 RiW LINE Sta. 199+20 t. B_-- � rrvvvvvvvvvvvvvA t VVVVI VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV t ` EXISTING BRIDGE .... ---. . (TO REMAIN). I-3 SILT BARRIER R/W LINE SCALE 1 100, FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING CONST. A__. 11A11 FOR ALT. "A'1 QUANTITIES SEE SHEET 12 PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO KEY WEST 820 82 Dredge .,-,Area Extends, From T 99 0 0 Sta +2 Sta. I p-(+ 00 1 To Sta. 199+20 FR W tip .v-v"VVVVVVVV vvvvvvvvvv . V vvvvvv-v-vvv ... Vv RVVVVVVVVV-V..-I vv viv v v v v v v v v v v v VVVVVV - j I w r z QS v pll� ALT. D-1 .................. . . . ................ EXISTING BRIDGE (TO REMAIN) Wfl 0 z w SHEET NO. 7 OF 19 OD r-: TO MIAMI 0) cn 200 SILT BARRIER `� 203 c C. CONST. .... ....... w T BARRIER C. EXIST. ROADWAY Lc R/W LINE-,,, r- CONST. A J. A z SCALE,": I"= 100"" FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND ....... DREDGING FOR SADDLE — BUNCH No.5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION_ TO KEY WEST I 186 SILT BARRIER O (L CONST.- m w z_ ]PI I*.-- 0) wCO � rn p cD + m 0 8 20' c� SHEET NO. 8 OF 19 TO MIAM I w Temp. Fill Area Extends °D `n From Sta. 191+00!To 194 190 R/W LINE Sta. 199+20t.--\ ---.-.-.- .._ _ r--......._..- __..._..... ._... - R. EXIST. ROADWAY t ITT TTTT TTTT7TTTTT - , TT o_ TTT n TTTTTTTTTT U _TTT TTT TTTTTTTTTTT 2�w .TT T� "TT z - -ALT. D - ! 1-1 --- — —JL_L —------------ — �. \EXISTING BRIDGE (TO REMAIN) L� SILT BARRIER R/W LINES SCALt : I"= 100' FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING to M W i 0 0 z p 0 0 C O N ST. ALA �B�� 2 o) FOR ALT. " B " QUANTITIES SEE SHEET. ,13 PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -...3;t49iYSiYP"'.HV.dYlPoh`: i.-li;l: L atJrw`. s.:-. .:,••.< s .L :.. "¢ ::.... SHEET NO. 9 OF 19 0 T w z_i I S C.� Q \V 195 m a� 820' w ~ cD d- o + �m R/W LINE T T T T T �' T"T�T T TO MIAMI z aa- 200 SILT BARRIER 203 ; C C. CONST. TTTTTTTTTTT..TTTTT TTTT TTTT T T T T TT T.T' ,T T-'T T T T T ti T T T o T T T�-T-.-:-.� -- -- ... `T'TTTT T T T T TTTT--- - / r TO KEY WEST Temp. Fill Extends From St a. Ig I+0OiTo Sta. 199+ 20f -T- ALT D- I •_SILT BARRIER --- EXISTING BRIDGE ! (TO REMAIN) C EXIST. ROADWAY ... C R/W LINE I SCALE': 1"= 100' 0 rM w I 00 0 0 CONST. ALT. "B 2 M FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE — BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRICGE NO.900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION w O cr 0 rn M O N O O rn SHEET NO. 10 OF 19 � r TO MIAMI R/ W LI NE-�,, -- -1 END PROJECT 205 �208 SILT BARRIER STA. 208 +p0.00 Q CONST. 1 ----- - D _4r1 \ -- 1 ---f ------ ----- ----- -- W Z J _._ 7.. t EXIST. R/W LINE ROADWAY .J SCALE I11= 100 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No.5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. II OF 191 LO W M o 0 Z N o 8 2 rn ADJACENT RIPARIAN OWNERS Parcel No. Owners O GEORGE B. ESPEY & SOPHIA C, ESPEY 5614 ROSECLIFF DRIVE LORAIN, OHIO 44052 O2 WILLIAM G. BRYANT R. F. D. # .SPRINGFIELD , VT. 05156 3O LLOYD K. JOHNSON & MARION JOHNSON 517 TORREY BUILDING DULUTH, MIN. 55802 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUN -CH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHE T U.12 G= 19 ,• 6 w O O cr-, N Z O O O > rn QUANTITIES FOR CON ST. ALT. A KEY WEST MIAMI TOTAL - END END EST. FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 0.46 AC 1.26 AC 1.72 AC EST FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE 1.46 AC 0.34 AC 1.80 16,048 AC C`, EST. FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND � 2,1.18 CY 139 930 CY EST. FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 12,113 CY 3,367 CY 15,480 14,500 CY CY, EST. DREDGE VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND 7,250 CY 71250 CYI EST. DREDGE VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE. 0 CY 0 CYO 0 C`' EST. DREDGE AREA SUBMERGED LAND 1.48 AC 1.48 AC 2.96 ACC EST. DREDGE AREA TRANSITION ZONE 0 AC 0 AC 0 .AC 0 EST. VOLUME INCLUDES RUBBLE VOLUME INCLUDES AND DREDGE FOR PROPOSED BRIDGE. DREDGE FOR PILES BARGE ACCESS UNDER DREDGE MATERIAL WILL BE UTILIZED IN THE PROPOSED EMBANKMENT, SUBJECT TO THE DEPARTMENTS EMBANKMENT UTILIZATION SPECIFICATIONS. FEDERAL AID PART i rl" I PAT I NG PROPOSED FILLI'%G A^bD DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900090 FLORIDA DEPA � NjrE.IT OF TRANSPORT ; SH,EET ",J0- 13 OF 19 rn M W O O c N z O O O 2E rn QUANTITIES FOR CONST. ALT. " B KEY WEST ERD M I A M I END TO TA L' EST. FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 0.46 AC 1.26 AC 1.72 AC EST. FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE 1.46 AC 0 34 AC 1.80 AC EST. FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND 0 2,118 CY 13,930 CY 16,048 CY EST. FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZONE 12, 1 1 3 CY 3,367 CY 15,480 CY EST. TEMP. FILL VOLUME SUBMERGED LAND 9,300 CY 9,300 CY 18,600 0 1.62 CY CY x ACI EST. TEMP. FILL VOLUME TRANSITION ZO NE EST. TEMP. FILL AREA SUBMERGED LAND 0 CY 0.81 AC 0 CY 0.81 AC `EST. TEMP. FILL AREA TRANSITION ZONE 0 AC 0 AC 0 AC 0 EST. VOLUME INCLUDES RUBBLE EST. 114 C.Y. FOR DREDGE FOR PILES. FEDERAL AID PAR"1 I C ! PAT i dC PROPOSED FILLI,,S Af,�D DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900090 FLORIDA DEPART 1,1ENT OF SHEET NO. 14 OF 19 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. t75 +00 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE MHW +UT MLW+0.37 SCALE: 1 5' VERT. I u=2d HORIZ. , , , ,, .�EXISTING SLOPE JI SEC. A -A FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE — BUNCH No.S MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.9OOO9O FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. 15 OF 19 SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 190+00 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE . --EXISTING SLOPE MHW+1.17\ -------- '' ` �-_ i---- MLW +0.37 SCALE: I 5' VERT. SEC. B- B 111 = 201 HORIZ. w cr N z 0 00 m 0) FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING] PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No. 5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO.16 OF 19 MHW + 1.17, 0� w 0o cr z o 2 rn SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 200 +00 PROPOSED 4:1 ------- ------ EXISTING i i i -�MLW +0.37 - - SCALE: I"= 5' VERT. I"= 20' H-ORIZ. SEC. C -C FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No.5 M AY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION mu.l—�--e4-- r.arz;a—s- .a .._... , ,;..,-...—:,c>a,. — SHEET NO. 17 OF 19 MHW+I.I rn Lo � w 00 tr N z 0 00 2 rn SECTION THRU ROADWAY AT STA. 205+00 PROPOSED 4:1 SLOPE - 'EXISTING SLOPE - M LW +0.37 SCALE :1 =5' VERT. 1 =20' HORIZ. SEC.. D-D FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING PROPOSED FILLING AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No.5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO. 900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 0 10 20 Scale (Ft.) 0 0 0 N 20 FE W 1 00 cr N z 0 20) 0 10 20 Scale(Ft) 100, E PLAN Proposed Bridge — M.H.W. + 1.17 M.L.W +0.37 2:1 Slope EI.-5.0 Existing Bay Bottom SECTION E — E DREDGE DETAILS MM Slope 2:1 3'-d'Min. SHEET NO. 18 Or 19 •I'-6"(Stone & Slurry) Slope 2:1 M.N.W.+ 1.1 7 — M.L.W.+0-37 slope Protection SECTION THRU FORWARD SLOPE OF PROPOSED BRIDGE Limits of Proposed _Slope Protection Edge of Shoulder Pavement I I'-6"(Stone &M.H.W.+ 1.17Slurry) � M_LIN. +0.37 This slope to match Roadway Fill Slope. 10� 20 SECTION THRU SIDE SLOPES 10. RI PRAP DETAILS 0 -5 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING -10-PROPOSED FILLING AND -15 DREDGING FOR SADDLE - BUNCH No.5 MAY 1976 BRIDGE NO.900090 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 0 I 20 Scale (Ft) 0 0 N Pipes to be placed at the (.of each recess' ir,_!Sand—cement Riprap Temporary fill limits 1 iA ti t Proposed Bridge -a) Sand -cement i � Riorao 0 10 20 Scale (Ft.) 20 10 0 MHWt 1.17 -5 -10 2 :1 Slope M -15 w ' 0 O 81 + (Typical) PLAN C. Proposed Bridge ^ El. t 5.0± MLW +0.37 Existing Bay Bottom 2.1 Slope SHEET NO. 19 OF 19 in 0 F CROWN ELEV. OF PIPE WILL BE BETWEEN EL.+ 1.17 TO +1.67. FLOW LINE WILL FIT NATURAL GROUND OR BE EX- CAVATED TO MEET ABOVE 20 CRITERIA. 10 0 -5 FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATING �I -10 PROPOSED TEMPORARY FILLING -15 AND DREDGING FOR SADDLE-, BUNCH NO.5 MAY 1976 � BRIDGE NO 900090 z N0 SECTION F - F TEMPORARY FILL DETAIL FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT ,TION