Resolution 182-1976 RESOLUTION NO. 182_ 1976 RESOLUTION REQUESTING RECREATIONAL LEASE FROM TR USTEES OF INTERNAL IMPROVE- MENT FUND: SPANISH HARBOR KEY WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA are desirous of providing recreational boating and picnicking facilities at Spanish Harbor Key, and WHEREAS, in 1973 the Board by resolution to Trustees of Internal Improvement Fund requested the Trustees to instruct the Department of Trans- portation to leave the marl on both sides of said channel created by the dredging of a borrow pit used in construction of the Bahia Honda Bridge so as to protect the boat ramp and roadway so that such recreational areas could be so utilized by the Board, and WHEREAS, through said Resolution the recreational aspects of the property were protected and toda y remain intact and suitable for recreational development by the Board, and indeed are being so used by the public although not under any governmental supervision or in a safe manner, and WHEREAS, said land is presently being used by camper trucks and recreational vehicles which are daily driven and parked on the narrow fingers left from the dredging of said borrow pit and said borrow pit is being illegally used by commercial lobstermen for docking 15 to 20 lobster boats and off-loading to refrigeration trucks lobsters that are taken from said boats, and WHEREAS, the Board remains desirous of putting said property to a recreational use with suitable boat ramps and picnic shelters to be used by the public, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that application is hereby made with the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA for a long term recreational lease for a portion of filled land lying situate at Spanish Harbor Key, Monroe County, Florida, the legal description of the subject property is attached to this Resolution. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS expressly hereby agree that if said lease be granted that they will within one year thereof furnish to the Department of Natural Resources the Board I s plans for the proposed recreational development of the property and shall within three (3) year s implement said development. IT IS FUR THER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution together with the attached legal description be forwarded to the BOARD OF TR USTE ES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, to the DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, and to the Monroe County Legislative delegation in the Florida Legislature with request that said recreational lease be granted unto the Board and support the Board in obtaining same. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA r$L ~..Z- By: :-~;/-:?' ;;;--~q) Mayor / airman -.-.-....... A He"s t : ") ,-/ ~/ ,[/~L-c-: Clerk -2- Certain lands on Spanish Harbor Key, Monroe County, legally described as follows: The submerged lands, sand bars, islands and other lands in Florida Bay lying Northerly of Spanish Harbor Key in Sections 32 and 33, Township 66 South, Range 30 East, Monroe County, Florida, said parts more particularly described as follow s: (A) Dredging Area - Left Station 70 + 00.00 Commencing at the point of intersection of the East erly end of the Big Pine Key - Spanish Harbor Key Bridge with the Base Line of Survey of State Road No.5, run North 84039' East a distance of 3231. 85 feet, thence North 61052'40" East a distance of 2783,38 feet to Base Line Station 70 + 00.00, thence North 28007'20" West a distance of 550 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue North 28007'20" West a distance of 550 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue North 28007'20" West a distance of 600 feet, thence North 61052'40" East a dis- tance of 600 feet, thence South 28007'20" East a distance of 600 feet, thence South 61052'40" West a distance of 600 feet to the Point of Beginning of Dredging Area; AND (B) Storage Area - Left Station 70 + 00.00 Commencing at the above mentioned Base Line Station 70 + 00.00 run North 28007'20" West a distance of 550 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence North 61052'40" East a distance of 600 feet, thence South 28007'20" East a distance of 250 feet, thence South 61052140" West a dis- tance of 600 feet, thence North 28007'20" West a distance of 250 feet to the Point of Beginning of Storage Area; AND (C) Haul Route - Left Station 75 + 85.33 Commencing at the aforementioned Base Line Station 70 + 00.00 run North 61052'40" East a distance of 585.33 feet, thence North 28007'20" West a distance of 170 feet to the most Northwesterly right of way line of State Road No.5 as shown on the right of way map of Section 90030-2510, State Road No. 5 and the Point of Beginning, thence continue North 28007'20" West a distance of 130 feet to the Southeast- erly line of the aforementioned Storage Area, thence South 61052'40" West a distance of 50 feet, thence South 28007'20" West a distance of 50 feet, thence South 28007'20" East a distance of 130 feet to the aforesaid most Northwesterly right of way line of said State Road No.5, thence North 61052'40" East along said Northerly right of way line a distance of 50 feet to the Point of Beginning of Haul Route.