Resolution 001-1977RESOLUTION NO.1 -1977
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe
County, Florida, adopted Board Administrative Procedures, and
WHEREAS, said Board now desires to rescind said Adminis-
trative Procedures and adopt new Administrative Procedures, now,
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that it hereby adopts the attached Monroe
County Board of County Commissioners Administrative Procedures
and by this resolution rescinds and revokes any other previously
adopted Administrative Procedures.
trative Procedures adopted by this.resolution shall take effect
DATED January 4, 1977.
Attest:- -�
r� Clerk
By / - e. / -
yor drid Chairman
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County Att®rft
Sec. 1'.01
Sec. 1.02
Sec. 1.03
Sec. 1.04
Sec. 1.05
Sec. 1.06
Sec. 1.07
Sec. 1.08
Sec. 1.09
Sec. 1.10
Sec. 1.11
Sec. 1.12
Sec. 1.13
Sec. 1.14
Sec. 1.15
Sec. 1.16
Sec. 1.17
Sec. 1.18
Sec. 1.19
Governing Rules
Regular Meetings, Time, Place
Special Meetings
Presiding Officer, Election, Duties
Call to Order
Roll Call
Order of Business
Rules of Debate
Questions Under Consideration
As to the Chairman
Getting the Floor,;.Improper References
to be Avoided
Interruptio.n ;
Privilege of Closing Debate,
Roll Call Vote
Reading Minutes
Votes by Roll Call
Addressing Commission
Scheduled Agenda Topic,
Topic Not on Scheduled Agenda
Addressing Commission,, Manner,.Time
1 & 2
Sergeant -at -Arms
Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions, Contracts
and other Documents
Preparation of Ordinances and Resolutions
Approval of Ordinances by County Attorney
Introducing for Passage or Approval
Action to be Taken -by Resolution,
Ordinance or Motion
Sec. 1.01 Governing Rules:
Except as may be provided by these rules and by-laws, questions
of order, the methods of organization and the conduct of business
of the Commission shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
Sec. 1.02 Regular Meetings', Time, Place -'-
The County Commissioners shall hold regular meetings at 7:00 P.M.,,
on the first, third; and fourth.Tuesday of each month,'except
when the day fixed for our regular meeting falls upon a day des-
ignated as a holiday, then no meeting shall be scheduled on that
Tuesday. Regular meeting may be postponed or cancelled by Board
action. Department Heads will not attend regular meetings. There
will be a 5 minute recess every hour on the hour during any meeting
of the Board. Regular meetings are to be held in the following
locations: Key West meetings, Courtroom B, 3rd Floor, Monroe'County
Courthouse Annex; Marathon meetings, Marathon Subcourthouse; and
Plantation Key meetings, Plantation Key Subcourthouse. The following
schedule will be observed: first Tuesday,,Key West; second Tuesday,
open; third Tuesday, Marathon; and fourth Tuesday, Plantation Key.
All 'meetings are to be open to the news media and the public.
Sec. 1.03 Special Meetings:
A special meeting of the County Commission may -be called by the
Chairman whenever in his opinion the public business,'may require it,
or whenever the majority of the Commission requests a special meeting.
Whenever special meeting shall be called by the Chairman, a notice
in writing signed by the Chairman, shall be served on the Clerk of
the County Commission, and whenever a'special meeting shall be called
by members of the Commission,,writing signed by at least
two members of the Commission 'shall be served upori the Clerk. The
Clerk shall forthwith serve either verbal or written notice upon
each member of the Commission, and, the 'Attorney stating the date and
hour of the ,meeting and the purpose for which such meeting is called,
and no other business shall be,transacted at that meeting.. The,
Clerk is to furnish the, Commiss.i•on with 'the proper form for the
calling of a special meeting and the form shall include the designated
location for the special meeting: The Clerk in his notice. -of a
special meeting shall -allow at least twenty-four hours to elapse between
the call of the meeting.and the date and hour of the meeting. Whenever
an emergency exists which requires immediate action by the Commission,
the Chairman may call a meeting by notifying the Clerk who shall cause
the Commission to meet on short notice by telephone or otherwise in
special meeting for the purpose. If after reasonable diligence, it
was impossible to give notice to each Commissioner, such failure shall
not affect the legality of the meeting if a quorum be in attendance.
The minutes of each special meeting shall show the manner and method
by which notice ofnsuch-special meeting was given to each member of
the Commission, or shall show a waiver of notice. All special' meetings
shall be open to the public and shall be held and conducted in the
Monroe County Courthouse or subcourthou,se. Minutes thereof shall
be kept by the Clerk.
S•ect.' 1.04 Aqenda:
There shall be an official agenda for every meeting of.the County
Commissioners, which shall determine the order of business conducted
at the meeting. The County Commission shall not take action upon
any matter, proposal, report or.item of business`which is not listed
upon the official agenda, unless a majority of the Commission present
shall have first consented to the presentation thereof for consideratior
and action.
Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Administrative Procedures
P aqe 2
Sec. 1.04 Agenda (con't)
The agenda shall be prepared by the Clerk in appropriate form
approved by the County Commission.. Matters may be placed on the
agenda by any County Commissioner, the County Attorney, Department
Heads, or citizens no later than 4:00 P.M., Wednesday preceding the
meeting on Tuesday. The agenda shall be prepared and distributed not
later than four (4) days preceding the meeting on Tuesday.
Sec. 1.05 Presiding Officer, Election, Duties:
The presiding officer of the Commission is Chairman, who shall be
elected annually by a majority of the members present at the first
regular meeting of each calendar year, who shall serve at the pleasure
of the Commission. The Commission shall also elect'a Vice -Chairman,
who shall preside over the Commission in the absence of the Chairman.
The Chairman shall assume the chair as presiding officer immediately
after his election. The presiding officer shall preserve strict order
and decorum at all meetings of the Commission. He shall state every
question coming before the Commission and announce the decision of the
Commission on all matters coming before'it. A majority vote of the
members present shall govern and conclusively determine all questions
of order not otherwise covered. The Chairman may vote on all questions,
his name being called last. The Chairman shall sign all ordinances
and resolutions adopted by the Commission during his presence. In
the event of the absence of the Chairman, such ordinances and resolutions
shall be signed by the presiding officer.
Sec. 1.06 Parli:ameh.ta,rian:
The County Attorney or his designee in his absence shall act as, and shall advise and assist the presiding officer
in matters of parliamentarian:.- law.
Sec. 1.07 Attornev:
The County Attorney shall be available to the Commission at all meetings
unless excused- by the Board. He shall draw ordinances and resolutions
for any member of the Commission when and as directed.
Sec. 1.08 Call to Order:
The Chairman shall take the chair at the hour appointed for the
meeting, and shall immediately call the Commission to order. In the
absence of the Chairman, and the Vice -Chairman, the Clerk shall then
determine whether a quorum is present and in that event shall call for
the election of a temporary Chairman. Upon the arrival of the Chair-
man, or the Vice -Chairman, the temporary Chairman shall relinquish the
chair upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the
Sec. 1.09 Roll Call:
Before proceeding with the business of the Commission, the Clerk or
his designee shall call the roll of the members in alphabetical order
unless the Chairman stipulates all are present and the names of those
present shall be entered in the minutes.
Sec. 1.10 Quorum:
A majority of the whole number of members of the Commission shall
constitute a quorum. No ordinance, resolution or motion shall be
adopted by the Commission without the affirmative vote of the majority
of all the members present. Should no quorum attend within thirty
minutes after the hour appointed for the meeting of the Commission, the
Chairman, or the Vice -Chairman, or in their absence, the Clerk or his
designee, may adjourn the meeting until the next day, unless by
unanimous agreement those members present select another hour or day.
The names of the members present and their action at such meeting shall
be recorded in the minutes by the Clerk.
,Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
• Administrative Procedures
Pace 3
Sec. 1.11 Order of Busines's
All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public.k,Promptly
at the hour set for each meeting, the members of the Commission; --the
County Attorney, and the Clerk shall take their regular stations in
the Commission Chamber, and the business of the Commission shall be
taken up for consideration and disposition in accordance with the
agenda for the meeting. The agenda shall constitute the order of
business, unless otherwise determined by a majority of the members
Sec. 1.12 Rules of Debate:
(a) Questions under consideration: When a motion is presented and
seconded, it is under consideration and no other motion shall be
received thereafter, except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to
postpone, or to amend until the question is decided. These motions
shall have preference in the order in which they are mentioned and the
first two shall be decided without debate. Final action upon a pending
motion may be deferred until the next regular meeting by a majority of
the members present.
(b) -As t-o t'he= Ch-a-i'rman: __The Chairman or such other member of the
Commission 'as-'may-`16 presiding may move, second, and debate from
the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as they are
by these rules imposed upon all members and shall not be deprived
of any of the rights and privileges of a Commissioner by reason of
his being the presiding Chairman,.
(c) Getting the Floor, Improper Referencecs to Be Avoided: Every
member desiring to speak for any purpose shall address the presiding
officer, and upon recognition, shall confine himself to the question
under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language.
(d) Interruption: A member once recognized, shall not be interrupted
when speaking unless it be to call him to order or as herein otherwise
provided. If a member while speaking, be called to order, he shall
cease speaking until the question of order be determined by the
presiding officer, and if in order he shall be permitted to proceed.
Any member may appeal to the Commission from the decision of the Chairman
upon a question of order when without debate the Chairman shall submit
to the Commission the question, "Shall the decision of the chair be
sustained?" and the Commission shall decide by a majority vote.
(e) Privilege of Closing Debate: The Commissioner moving the adoption
of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing
the debate.
(f) Roll Call Vote: Upon any roll call vote there shall be no discussion
by any member voting, and he shall vote yes or no. Any member, upon
voting may give a brief statement to explain his vote. A member shall
have the privilege of filing with the Clerk a written explanation of his
vote. A member of the Commission may abstain from voting or any matter
in which he feels there is a conflict of interest and must file statement
as to the conflict.
Sec. 1.13 Readina Minutes:
Unless a reading of the minutes of a meeting is requested by a majority
of the Commission, such minutes, when signed by the Chairman and the
Clerk shall be considered approved without reading; provided, that
the Clerk deliver a copy thereof to each member of the Commission and
the County Attorney at least one full working day preceding the meeting.
The minutes of prior meetings may be approved by a majority of the
members present, and upon such approval shall become the official minutes.
Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Administrative Procedures
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Sec. 1.14 Votes by Roll Call:
The vote upon every resolution or
call in alphabetical order except
member called, and the vote shall
Resolutions and Ordinances shall
at such meetings and by the Clerk
Sec. 1.15 Addressing Commission:
ordinance shall be taken by roll
the Chairman shall be the last
be entered upon the minutes.
be signed by the presiding officer
before they are entered upon the
(a) Scheduled Agenda Topic: Any person may petition the presiding
officer for leave to address the Commission on any matter as it may
appear on the agenda.
(b) Topic Not on Scheduled Agenda: Any person may orally petition
the Commission, at any Commission Meeting, for leave to orally address
the Commission at that meeting, which leave shall be granted only after
showing to the satisfaction of a majority of the members of the
Commission present that the subject matter of the address deserves the
time and attention of the Commission. The Clerk will make available
prior to the meeting a form on which the individual should indicate
his name, address, and topic he wishes to discuss with the Board.
The form must be completed prior to the start of the regular meeting.
Sec. 1.16 Addressing Commission, Manner, Time:
Each person addressing the Commission shall step up to the front,
shall give his name and address in an audible tone of voice for
the minutes, and unless further time is granted by the Commission,
shall limit his address to ten minutes. All remarks shall be addressed
to the Commission as a body and not to any member thereof. No
person, other than Commissioners and the person having the floor,
shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or
through a member of the Commission, without the permission of the
presiding officer. No question shall be asked a Commission except
through the• presiding officer.
Sec. 1.17 Decorum:
Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes
boisterous while addressing the Commission shall be barred from
further audience before the Commission by the presiding officer,
unless permission to continue or again address the Commission be
granted by the majority vote of the Commission'.
Sec. 1.18 Sergeant -at -Arms:
The County Sheriff, or his designated Deputy, shall be the sergeant -
at -arms at the Commission meetings and he will carry out all orders
of the Chairman for purposes of maintaining order and decorum..
Sec..1.19 Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions, Contracts and other
(a) Preparation of Ordinances and Resolutions: The County Attorney,
when requested, shall prepare ordinances and resolutions which
shall be delivered to the Chairman. A copy of the same shall be
forthwith furnished to each Commissioner and the Clerk.
There shall be a minimum of two public hearings on all ordinances
other than emergency ordinances. The procedures as set forth in the
Florida Statutes as far as advertising and reading of said ordinances
shall be adhered to.
=(b) Approval of Ordinances by County Attorney; All ordinances,
resolutions and contract documents before presentation to the Commission
shall have been reduced to writing and shall have been approved as
to form and legality by the County Attorney. Prior to the presentation
all such documents shall be referred to the head of the department
under whose jurisdiction the administration of the subject matter
of the ordinance, resolution or contract document would devolve. When
so referred, the County Attorney shall affix his signature on the
• Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Administrative Procedures
Page 5
document certifying to the factual contents and shall append his
recommendations. The Attorney shall affix his signature on all
resolutions, ordinances, and contracts certifying to factual
(c) Introducing for Passage or Approval: Ordinances, resolutions
and other matters and subjects requiring action by the Commission,
must be introduced and sponsored by a member of the Commission,
except that the County Attorney may present ordinances, resolutions
and other matters or subjects to the Commission for consideration,
and any Commissioner may assume sponsorship thereof by moving that
such ordinance, resolution, matter or subject be adopted in accordance
with law; otherwise they shall not be considered. When a Commissioner
assumes sponsorship of an ordinance or resolution, he may countersign
the same if he desires.
(d) Action to be Taken by Resolution, Ordinance or Motion: All
actions of the Commission shall be taken by resolution, or ordinance
except that approval of purely administrative matters may be accomplishe
by motion duly adopted and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. All
ordinances and resolutions shall be prepared in advance to give suf-
fucient time for reading and study.
Sec. 1.20 Adjournment:
A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and decided without
Sec. 1.21 Clerk, Minutes, Agenda, Correspondence:
(a) The Clerk of the Circuit Court, or his deisgnated Deputy Clerk
shall act as Clerk of the Commission. The Clerk shall prepare the
minutes and all resolutions and ordinances, and for a reasonable
charge shall furnish copies to persons desiring them. The Clerk
shall make available to the Commissioners a copy of the agenda
four (4) days before the meeting and a matter not on the agenda
may be considered only upon consent of a majority of the members
(b) Appeals of zoning matter shall be set down on the agenda for
4:00 P.M., and scheduled in order causing least inconvenience to
the Commission and the public.
(c) Each person presenting an item of business on the agenda shall
prepare a brief written statement or digest of all essential
facts, shall state what action he is requesting the Board to take,
and shall give specific reasons therefore. Each statement shall be
prepared and submitted to the Board prior to the meeting. A written
statement need not be prepared for routine or recurring items of
business with which the Board is familiar.
(d) Correspondence of a general nature addressed to the Board shall
be answered by the Department Head to whom it may be referred without
first filing with the Board. The receipt of all correspondence
will be immediately acknowledged. Current files of such correspondence
shall be maintained and made available each Tuesday for the Com-
missioners' examination; thereafter the correspondence shall be
returned to the files.
(e), The official minutes as prepared by the Clerk shall be as
bri.e_f as possible and reflect only the very essential elements or
actions. Those items specifically requested by the Board shall appear"
in the minutes in the manner as directed.
(f) The Clerk shall be custodian of the County Seal, affixing
the seal to documents as appropriate and attest to the signature
of the presiding officer on all ordinances, resolutions, and
other documents.
Monroe County
Pacge 6
Board of County Commissioners
Sec. 1.22 Work Sessions; Purposes, Scheduling, Conduct:
The Board will schedule a regular work session the first Tuesday
morning of each month at Key'West.:. The purpose of the work session
is to enable heads of departments to brief the Commissioners with
background information,_ and to enable the Commissioners to determine
that all items to be placed upon the agenda have been fully co-
ordinated by all department heads. The workshop session shall be
informally conducted by -the Chairman in the order and manner he
deems necessary to complete the work in a timely and orderly manner.
The time'of the'.iwork session shall be between 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 A.M.
with department heads. The meeting will recess for lunch.,and reconvene
at 1:00 P.M. until business is done as a public workshop meeting.
Public workshops shall be scheduled for 1:00 P.M. on the third Tuesday
in Marathon and on the fourth Tuesday in Plantation Key. Purpose
of the public workshop sessions will be to allow the general .public
to discuss with the Commissioners and department heads any matter
pertaining to County Government. NO OFFICIAL ACTION WILL'.BE TAKEN
Other work sessions may be called as deemed appropriate by the Chairman
or a majority of the Commissioners at a regularly scheduled meeting.