Resolution 002-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 2 -1977 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of l'fonroe County, Florida, has disclaimed any right to the 56-foot right- of-way along U. S. Highway No. I between the east and west limits of the Marathon Airport property by Resolution No. 229-1976, and WHEREAS, said Board now desires the Department of Trans- portation to expedite plans for 4-laning the Marathon area and replacing the Vaca Cut Bridge at Key Vaca, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Department of Transportation State of Florida be and it is hereby requested to expedite plans for the 4-laning of U. S. Highway No. 1 in the Marathon area and to replace the Vaca Cut Bridge at Key Vaca on U. S. Highway No. 1 in Monroe County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER P~SOLVED BY SAID BOARD that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded the Department of Trans- portation State of Florida for appropriate action. DATED January 4, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ::NROE C:7J F/?~, ~h~irman (Seal) (' "- Attest: ...,--:> (;~te:f pa;:~ tY'U . f...~<t"...y ^~?l'r'''u f' ..t ;l.:. r'~ ~...-...;.t ~ t '~trt'J ~'::~Jr:(r. t;,.~j.;.., ~H~~\ :~":t."..~.u.,.,.r,, ..~L~ been n:'v;cwe~ 'j Of Ic.:~;.; ~.r:-; ..I::,:r.r;~ .::~'1 content and that the Sn!7.l; mcet~, W~~:i Fr.. approval PAUL L SAWYER ~.~~~