Resolution 005-1977 o - RESOLUTION NO. 5 - 1977 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR VALUABLE AND LOYAL SERVICE RENDERED TO MONROE COUNTY BY MEMBERS OF THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING BOARD AND THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. WHEREAS, the members of the Monroe County Zoning Board and the Monroe County Zoning Board of Adjustment have rendered valuable, loyal and meritorious service to the citizens of Monroe County during their tenure upon said Boards, and WHEREAS, the importance of said Boards in fostering and administering the Monroe County Comprehensive Zoning laws cannot be overstated, and WHEREAS, THOMAS O. ROBERTS, as Chairman, and JOHN EDWARDS, Vice-Chairman Member, have rendered valuable, loyal and meritorious service to the citizens of Monroe County during their tenure on the Zoning Board, and WHEREAS, ROBERT ROSSELLE, as Chairman, HOMER T. BRYUM, as Vice-Chairman, and MARSHALL STEADHAM and NATHANIEL FUNKE have rendered valuable, loyal and meritorious service to the citizens of Monroe County during their tenure on the Zoning Board of Adjust- ment, and WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, in behalf of the citizens and residents of Monroe County, desires to go on record expressing appreciation and gratitude for their service, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that Zoning Board members, THOMAS O. ROBERTS, Chairman, and JOHN EDWARDS, Vice-Chairman and Zoning Board of Adjustment Members, ROBERT ROSSELLE, Chairman, HOMER T. BRYUM, Vice-Chairman and MARSHALL STEADHAM and NATHANIEL FUNKE be and they are each hereby commented and thanked for their civic service to the citizens of Monroe County, Florida. \ -2- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Certified Copies of the resolution be forwarded by the Clerk to the aforesaid THOMAS O. ROBERTS, JOHN EDWARDS, ROBERT ROSSELLE, HOMER T. BRYUM, MARSHALL STEADHAM and NATHANIEL FUNKE. RESOLVED in regular session this 18th day of January, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~~~ - Attest: ~ ~"- /.' 1(?3------ / .-'~' </)/".;/ ~, '-__-/ t:?/ L,./, L/' </(..",7-C.-/' Clelr){ to the Board (Official Seal) I HERE3Y CERTIfY that this document has been reviewed for legal sufficiency ami content and that the same meets with my approval RIGlARD G. PAYNE Asst. Count) Attorney It) I 'J . ",z:) V ~~'~f ...J / C-t../}'/v...._( .....-0 OII~ -I ~ - 'l1 o -. ... ~ ~~j .A