Resolution 006-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 6 - 1977 RESOLUTION TO KEY WEST LOWER KEYS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REQUESTING THAT BOARD BE GRANTED 'PEMPOIe1IT USE OF WALKER FIELD AND NAVY BRIG BUILDING. WHEREAS, the United States government has aeclared certain lands and buildings in Key West, Florida to be surplus property, and WHEREAS, Walker Field and adjacent Building Number 134 used previously as a Navy Brig are now surplus property and are presently vacant, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida have urgent need for parking facility in the vicinity of Jackson Square for governmental purposes and have immediate and urgent need of prisoner housing facilities, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Board of Directors of the Key West Lower Keys Development Corporation be and it is hereby requested to grant absolutely to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida t-'em.porrt'y use of Walker Field and Building Number 134, without payment of compensation. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Marathon, Florida this 18th day of January, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:~- C airman Attest: ,- .'~-, ~< '~._J:d// /r;--,)a-~~. ClerX to the Board .. Hf.1IEBY CERm that this 1Ioeument Itas .... reviewed fer legal SlftftrJCI!~i ~d cOIlteat IIId that the ume meets wlC, m) ........ RICH AID G. 'AYIIt A,st. Count, AttorD'J ~Jv ;~ ~et;!QVED ON__' -- \ ~ - ") q l.~. .-oK' or' \" EAGE ..) tit '"' ":~?l.. - \~:._,_