Resolution 014-1977 ,J . RESOLUTION NO. 14 -1977 1'lHEREAS, the Southern Bell Telephone Company has pending before the Public Service Commission of the State of Florida a petition for a state-wide increase in telephone rates, and WHEREAS, the subscribers in Monroe County, Florida, will receive no additional service or other benefits from said state- wide increase, and WHEREAS, the subscribers in Monroe County, Florida, will pay the same amount of increase as other counties in which sub- scribers can make toll free calls over a larger area of said counties than the subscribers in Monroe County, Florida, and ~nIEREAS, the subscribers in Monroe County feel that since the increased rates will be the same in all counties that Monroe County subscribers should be able to make toll free calls within the entire area of Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY C0M11ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Public Service Commission of the State of Florida be and it is hereby requested that in the event the state-wide increase in telephone rates is granted by said Commission to the Southern Bell Telephone Company that in said order granting said increase the Southern Bell Telephone Company be ordered to remove all tolls for in-county calls made by subscribers in Monroe County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to all members of the Public Service Commission of the State of Florida. DATED February 1, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERS OF HONROE C TY, ORIDA (Seal) By .'."- Attest: ,) ,/J// ,y/~..' ~"' I .h/ /~- /~ ,2:- // . ~ /1 _/Lt Cf~k~/~?' ,. " ~OH BOOK l:J.::11 _~~JO I limCJY emrr::'i ~~i>t {'.';~':'1"'~~'~ "'l~: be2n revi'1...,,,,i 'l~,'" .,I<~,.,. ;"':';..o.."n ... ""'b~~, ,;j 1_.. _' "t'_~ o,,<-l:,o.., .'" "~' ; content alld ~t tlu~ S'~i-;:C! g';;'';:.i; j',/' :j'~; approval (/~~Ac...'.""'~ PAUL E~ County Attorney ? ~-v