Resolution 019-1977 " RESOLUTION NO. 19 - 1977 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE SELECTION OF SOMBRERO REEF RESORT AS SITE FOR ERDA SOLAR TOTAL ENERGY LARGE SCALE EXPERIMENT. WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA has been advised that the Federal Energy Research and Development Administration is considering the present Sombrero Reef Resort at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida as a possible site for the conduct of a Solar Total Energy Large Scale Experiment, and WHEREAS, the Board recognizes that Monroe County, Florida has one of the highest electric utility user rates in the country and inasmuch as the solar radiation in Monroe County is in abun- dance all year round so that Monroe County is ideally suited for such a total energy facility, and WHEREAS, with the millions of tourists who visit Monroe County, such a facility would receive great and widespread publicity, and would be favorable publicity for the Florida Keys and would be in keeping with the Board's policies of environmental protection, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Federal Energy Research and Develop- ment Administration be and they are hereby notified that the Board expresses its support and endorsement that the Administration construct and operate at the Sombrero Reef Resort, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida a Solar Total Energy Large Scale Experiment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Energy Research and Development Administration and a copy forwarded to Mr. R. A. Dow, 620 Armada Road South, Venice, Florida 33595. RESOLVED in regular meeting this 1st day of February, A.D. 1977. p -z., ., Iflj --" ==~~ APP-ROVED ON BOOK PAGE " Attest: .._j ~/~,/ J, ( ~cu../ Le~ D'_'~ '-.,../" 01 er k -2- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: