Resolution 022-1977 .. .' RESOLUTION NO. 22-1977 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, published notices of its intention to have a public hearing on the proposed Supplement to the Airport Revenue, Airport Operation and Maintenance, Airport Development and Rep1ace- ment, 1955 Meacham Airport and 1956 Meacham Airport Funds for the fiscal year October 1, 1976, through September 30, 1977, and that pursuant to said notice a public hearing was held on the 1st day of February, 1977, at which time said budget was publicly discussed and any person desiring to be heard was heard, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following Supplement to the Airport Revenue, Airport Operation and Maintenance, Airport Development and Replacement, 1955 Meacham Airport and 1956 Meacham Airport Funds be and the same is hereby adopted as the official supplemental budget of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, for the fiscal year October 1, 1976, through September 30, 1977: Balance on hand beginning of fiscal year: Airport Revenue Fund Airport Operation & Maintenance Fund Airport Development & Replace- ment Fund Airport Interest & Sinking Fund 1955 (also liquid invest- ments) AIRPORT INTEREST & SINKING FUND 1956 AIRPORT RESERVE FUND $ 51,000.00 33,000.00 40,000.00 106,937.26 467.50 53,625.50 Total $ 285,030.26 Anticipated Receipts: Sub-Total Less 5 per cent $ 86,415.00 84,100.00 2,000.00 5,300.00 100.00 $177,915.00 (8,895.75) RACING COMMISSION FUNDS AIRPORT RECEIPTS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS INTEREST INCLUDING PROFITS ON INVESTMENTS OTHER RECEIPTS Total 169,019.25 $ 454,049.51 Total Funds Available Ml......-..i ..JJ.L ~".... \ ... \' ). '..lv' /. (- PAGE J y-~'. -1 1T ,4, __... .- -2- State Budget Law requires 5 per cent deduction on anticipated receipts. Proposed Expenditures: AIRPORT OPERATION & MAIN- TENANCE FUND AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT & REPLACE- MENT 1955 MEACHAM AIRPORT (DEBT SERVICE) 1956 MEACHAM AIRPORT INTEREST & SINKING (DEBT SERVICE) RESERVES & CONTINGENCIES $150,406.38 199,033.16 32,147.00 11,935.00 60,527.97 Total Proposed Expenditures $ 454,049.51 DATED February 1, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNT , FLORIDA By (Seal) A~e~7~ . C er