Resolution 030-1977 RESOLUTION NO.3D - 1977 RESOLUTION REQUESTING D.O.T. TO REDUCE SPEED LIMITS ON U.S.#l AND REDUCE ACCESS ROAD LEADING ONTO U.S.#l BIG PINE KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, over the recent years there have been numerous fatal accidents involving vehicles traveling on U.S.#l, Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, Big Pine experiences a large volume of both local and transient vehicular traffic along U.S. #1, and WHEREAS, the local traffic is in general, slower moving, involving turns onto and from U.S.#l, and WHEREAS, dangerous conditions arise when transients' vehicles entering Big Pine Key at the posted speed limit of 55 mph. encounter slower, local traffic and speed and hazardous conditions have even contributing factors in several recent vehicular accidents on Big Pine Key involving deaths and serious injuries, and WHEREAS, the Big Pine Key Civic Association has enacted a resolution requesting the Board to request the Florida Depart- ment of Transportation to immediately initiate a study of the Big Pine Key traffic problems along U.S.#l, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the State Department of Transportation be and it is hereby requested to immediately initiate a traffic study of the Big Pine Key traffic problems along U.S. Highway #1 toward the end that the following remedial and safety measures be instituted: 1. Lowering the speed limit to 45 mph. from Sea Center to Parks Banks rock pit, and 2. Installation of warning signs on the curves at St. Peter's Church, and other hazardous area, and ,3 - .i-/\") . O\/EO 01'4_ 5 ! A'PPR 'I '-, ^GE ,_ b ~} PM--- ~. _1-__..-=--'--- ....-",._, - so:)\', -2- 3. Construction of turn-off lanes, and 4. Installation of flashing caution lights, and 5. Limitation of access points. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk mail a copy of this Resolution to the State Department of Transportation (together with a copy of the Big Pine Key Civic Association Hearing, date: February 28, 1977) and to the Governor and the Florida Cabinet. RESOLVED at regular meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 15 th day of March, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: i2,~ to<" ,,"'~.,... ~:.._,.. ".,1 /<~:; ~4 Maio;/~h~i~~an ~ .".~ --- Attest: IIDU' . CERTJV that this document has _en reviewed for legal suffkieney and I8Rt8ftt and that tile same meets with my approvaL ~ 9d ~ IKHA'iD G. p~ Azd. {;(\;!"~:t ~H(;'m'~' RESOLUTION Fhereas, Big Pine Key experiences a la.rge volume of both local SIld trSIlsient vehicular traffic along U. S. 1, and 'y.'hereas, the local traffic is, in general, slower-Dovine;, involving turns onto and from th:e main roadvlay, and y/hereas, dp~ferous conditions arise whe~ trSIlsient vehicles enterinG Big Pine }~ey at the posted speed limit of 55 mph encounter slower, local traffic, HIld vfuereas, speed and hazardous conditions have been contributing factors in several recent vehicular accidents on Big Pine Key involving deaths and serious injuries. Therefore, be it resolved that the Big Pine Key Civic Association requests the Board of County Conmissioners of Monroe County to request the Florida Department of Transportation to immediately initiate a study of the Big Pine Yey traffic problems along U. S. 1 to include action on the folloHin!=': 1) lov/ering the speed limit to 45 mph from Sea Center to [-arks Eanks roc}~ pit. 2) iLstallation of ..larning signs on the curve at St. Peter's Church, and other hazardous areas. 3) construction of turn-off lanes. 4) installation of flashing caution lights. 5) limitation of access points. Recording Secretary r::>a.5s'eJ V",an,,.,,ov.>/ C4 !~ ! J/ ""Z44k/ ~ _&~-)}&~ ~'cf' *4 /f 7 / ~L~ di.vL Vice President Date