Resolution 034-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 34-1977 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DIRECTOR OF UPPER KEYS HUMANE SOCIETY TO ASSIST DOG WARDEN \VHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, are desirous of empowering the Director of the Upper Keys Humane Society to do all things necessary in assisting the Dog Warden in carrying out his duties under Monroe County Ordi- nance No. 4-1973, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Director of the Upper Keys Humane Society, PATRICIA KUEHL, be and she is hereby authorized and em- powered to do all things necessary to assist the Monroe County Animal Warden in carrying out his duties under Monroe County Ordinance No. 4-1973 to insure compliance with the animal regulations contained therein. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Key West, Florida, the 1st day of March, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA , /7 ~ t~j~~~an By -~...'-" Att~t: ) Lfdi/i~ 7 Clerk (Seal) ~-- : "\ . I /^) t } .-) fAGE ...,..- c"" ::)'J w~'IED OM_ I HE~EnY ct~nf'1 tnd ~h.;!: ..;~.~:: ." " l\ . III f r lP.':>31 ~I.i~ m..C', ..1. "een revlew\he t Ute ~~me me.ats ,,~~tt1It:;i content and a approvaL RICHARD G. f~Y~~! ..to Asst. CCi-unty '~t'(,>>,:l"4 rQ-tu~ M, p~