Resolution 037-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 37 -1977 RESOLUTION REQUESTING D.O.T. TO COMMENCE PLANNING FOR THE EVENTUAL EXTENSION OF SOUTH ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD WEST THROUGH TO STEVENS AVENUE WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, are desirous of extending South Roosevelt Botilevard, Key West, Florida, west from Bertha Street to the vicinity of Stevens Avenue, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the State of Florida Department off Transportation be and they are hereby requested to commence designing and planning for the extension of South Roosevelt Boulevard, Key West, Florida, west from Bertha Street to the approximate vicinity oi Stevens Avenue, said property being known as the Rest Beach Area. 2. That said Department undertake to acquire the necessary roadways and road right-of-ways for said extension with the under- standing that said right-of-way and roadway be paid for from local and/or other funds. 3. That Mr. Jack Burke, Monroe County Dev~lopment Director, be and he is hereby authorized to act as Agent for the Board to make all arrangements necessary for extension of said South Roosevelt Boule- vard. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board forward a true copy of this resolution to the State of Florida Department of Transportation and to the City Commission of the City of Key West, Florida, so that the latter may know of the Board's in- tent to acquire said property for the purposes outlin~d herein. RESOLVED at Key West, Florida, this 1st day of March, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLOR]DA .... , // ,/} ..~~ j .' - ay an a~rman OF By (Seal) Af'J'JtOVEb OM~ p~~=,__ ..,.~C~ ~.,---.- = } _J \ - /)/ I 5 ~-- I1II'l" .;:.;::..:;.:;~:_-=::..-