Resolution 054-1977 r"'-- RESOLUTION #54-1977 RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the House Committee on Transportation has before it a proposal that would remove the supervision and the policing of the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program from the uniform members of the Florida Highway Patrol and place it under civilians~ and WHEREAS, in addition to policing the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program, the Troop M Troopers perform routine patrol duties and are a ready force of men for emergencies about the State which is a bonus of the Inspection Program~ and WHEREAS, Florida's Inspection Program is nationally recognized as outstanding~ and WHEREAS, the Inspection Program is a law enforcement function handled by the Florida Highway Patrol with no burden to the counties~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County desires to go on record as opposing any change in the present supervision and policing of the Florida Motor Vehicle Inspection Program, and 2. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County has authorized a copy of this resolution be presented to the Florida House Transportation Committee in Tallahassee. RESOLVED in regular meeting, Key West, Monroe County, Florida this 5th day of April, A.D. 1977. By: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ (....-<C; / / ~' .....;-;...., Cha irmanYMayor .. '~~ ~ BOOK r, l y -s ')', _ !?AGE L'~ APPROVED ON