Resolution 056-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 56 - 1977 RESOLUTION RENAMING LITTLE DUCK KEY PARK TO THE MONROE COUNTY VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK. WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA are ever mindful of the personal sacrifice and dedication rendered by the Verterans of Monroe County in service to their Country, and WHEREAS, it is only fitting and proper that said service and dedication be commemorated by public memorial, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the LITTLE DUCK KEY PARK be and the same is hereby renamed the MONROE COUNTY VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK and the Veterans Association of Monroe County, Florida be and they are hereby authorized to erect a suitable plaque or monument together with flag pole toward the end that the service and dedication of the Veterans of our Armed Forces may be paid tribute to by the citizens of Monroe County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is authorized to furnish a copy of said resolution to the Veterans Association of Monroe County, Florida. RESOLVED at regular session held at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 19th day of April, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA //,..."..,,: By: "~ ~ ' .- '~ ' -'~ ~yo /Chairman Attest: ~'12 ,. ~ ~ .... -W-b , r -~- 9~- I HEREBY CERTIFY that this c!or.umMt bas been reviewed for legal sufficiency rnd content and that the same meets with my approyaL ~~""'7't"'~ RtOlARD G. PAYNE . _ auf, Count, Attorl\8V -