Resolution 058-1977 RESOLUTION NO.58 -1977 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR OF MONROE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO EXECUTE UTILITY PERMITS WITH STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 338FLORIDA STATUTES ~VHEREAS, the bridges in the Florida Keys will be repaired and/or replaced, and WHEREAS, at the time of repair and/or replacement it is necessary that certain improvements be made in order that the Municipal Service District can install sanitary sewer force mains within the right-of-way and beneath the bridges and approaches on U. S. Highway No.1, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute all utility permits necessary in order that authority can be obtained from the State of Florida Department of Transportation to construct, operate and maintain sanitary sewer force mains within the right-of-way and beneath the bridges and approaches of U. S. Highway No.1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State of Florida Department of Transportation for appropriate action. DATED April 19, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COgN1Y, FLORIDA IIW< <' //~~':; ,) .7 ~' /~,/~ . ._~o . an al.rnlan By .,--" Attest::~ :' LG/ b?:-L----t- . L Clerk (Seal) APPROVED ON t) I BOOK _ 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets with my approval. ~;2..?7:L...l . //>/ t!tf~7 "" .,. /' .....,)'..1' // :? /i ( .. ...\'-1:'""";'/' ,'''/ MICHAEL H. CATES County Attorney J.l.- ; l) -) ') eAGE .,.,. \ I -))