Resolution 068-1977 RESOLUTION NO.68 - 1977 WHEREAS, the citizens of the unincorporated area of Monroe County known as Conch Key have brought to the attention of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida the existence of a potential health hazard to residents due to a waterway in the area being blocked by a filled road, and WHEREAS, said waterway has eutrophied as a result of such blockage, and WHEREAS, in order to protect the public health and welfare, the Board of County Commissioners desires to utilize its 80% surplus of the secondary gas tax to install a minimum 60" culvert to improve water circulation and eliminate the existing algae and eutrophication, said location on Conch Key, in the most expeditious manner possible, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the annual secondary road program resolution No. 42 - 1977, which resolution is directed to the Florida Department of Transportation, is hereby amended and sup~lemented by adding the following language to Exhibit "A", Section II, to read under priority number 2a : "(project Name) Conch Key Culvert; (Type of Work) Install minimum 60" culvert - $10,000.00". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a true copy of the foregoing Resolution be mailed by the Clerk to the D.O.T. of the State of Florida. RESOLVED in regular meeting held in Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida this 26th day of April, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ::,MO~;?~~;:;: At~~,~ L ~/ R://2:--,r~ , ./ Clerk .aOOK e Y-L-~ -')'1 PAGE~ ~~ I HEREBY CERnn thilt U!ls rl~~r.:.mc~~ h~~ been reviewed for leg~l !;u!w;rm~r.~ am} cootent an4 that the. sa.:te moots wl,b my approval. tfJ. ~HAR::'~E lsst County Attorncr APPROVED ON