Resolution 071-1977 .~ y RESOLUTION NO. 71 -1977 RESOLUTION OPPOSING TRANSFER OF THE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR COASTAL ZONING MANAGEMENT FROM THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL AND THE DIVISION OF STATE PLANNING. WHEREAS, there is now pending before the Florida Legisla- ture legislation providing for transfer of responsibilities for Coastal Zone Management and permitting from the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Division of State Planning to the Department of Environmental Regulation, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, that said transfer would be detrimental to the interest of local government and would remove the right of appeal to local government, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby requests that the legislative delegation representing Monroe County, Florida, vote against the legislation providing for transfer of responsibilities for Coastal Zone Management and permitting from the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Division of State Planning to the Department of Environmental Regulation, and further request that said delegation request fellow members of the Legislature to also vote against said legislation. 2. That certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Monroe County legislative delegation and other appropriate officials. DATED April 26, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COW1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUijTY, FA".ORIDA / Il By (Seal) ! Attest: AP?HOVED otl~___.----1---- :2~:.f) 1 - ---~-- I~ \ ), " ~) ._--- .' ,. ...J.,.:..!.~:. ._.N'" .---....-..... BOOK _ -2- I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets with my approval. ~d":~g; MIC~ . CATES County Attorney