Resolution 078-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 78 -1977 RESOLUTION DENYING PETITION FOR RE-HEARING FILED BY FENTON, INC. BRUCE EWING in behalf of Fenton, Inc., by and through his attorney having petitioned the Board of County Commissioners for a Re-Hearing and the Board finding that said Re-Hearing should not be granted, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Petition of Bruce Ewing for a Re- Hearing be and the same is hereby denied. DATED May 17, 1977 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA >~/. '/ By , ,/ ~ /'~~l' c{;_:,~~ ~Mayor 'and Chairman (Seal) Attest ;/ (' APPROVED ON..- BOOK _ 1. ~..0 ....l or- p..AGE_~ '~5 .- r .." .-,..,.. :r...~...,,'.. .....,.'--t i~~.~':~ r: 4~'..:'~' ;T:~~.~t ,t:~~ , lH:?~J~ C:;.ti.' ,{ ~ 0;';'1. ~. ':"i.~('uu' ,.....\..~"'~;.~ ;:,',\J ,- . d t"'r 1'1'0" ~ . ....... , been f(1VIOWC, tb '~s~me meets w~~h rr:v coot~nt and that ~ ..9d. ,.ot::Vl,...~ approvaL ~HAr.D G. PAYUE .. Asst. County ~ttOiliey